Controversial opinions on metal

Same In Quest that released Battlehymns and Citadel? I have those cds and I don't remember them being a 'core band.

Those are two of the best death metal CDs of all time, you instantly get a lot more love from me for owning them (as I also do, and they're pretty hard to find nowadays anyway). Epileptic is a bit core influenced...ok, a lot sometimes. But it's awesome.
Yes I totally agree there. In-Quest fucking rocks. They might just have released the best Metalcore CD there of all time. But its really hard to top The Dead And Dreaming by Dry Kill Logic IMHO
Its also hard to top that Dry Kill Logic album. Hits me everytime... In fact I think I'm gona listen to it on the car ride today just for old times sake.
Those are two of the best death metal CDs of all time, you instantly get a lot more love from me for owning them (as I also do, and they're pretty hard to find nowadays anyway). Epileptic is a bit core influenced...ok, a lot sometimes. But it's awesome.

I remember really liking 'battlehymns' upon first listen and thinking to myself at the time, "why the fvck have I not heard of these guys before", cause when I got the cd it was in a trade and not a band I remember anyone ever mentioning before. Probably the best "throw in" cd I ever got from someone as a trade topper, followed by the original release of Vomitory's debut 'Raped In Their Own Blood' which I tried to reject over and over again based on the band name just to have him send it anyway lol (glad he did). I was let down when I heard a couple songs from 'Epileptic'.
Ugh you know what... I take back what i said about that DKL album. My thrill for it has went down the gutter. The first couple of songs are sweet but then it just wears off.
He really bugs you for some reason

I know I should probably be more relaxed and have a "it's just the internet, settle down" mentality; but seriously, it's not that he offends me necessarily, although he has in the past (which I have since learned to ignore, I think); irritates would be a better word. I actually get slightly depressed when I read some of his posts because he so often perpetuates this "most people aren't worth my time" attitude, and it's unfortunate. He seems to me to be a person who can't enjoy life, and that just bums me out.

And if you're reading this Matt... sorry.
He seems happy to me. Just because he chooses not to want to associate with most people doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy life. He's very funny and cool when I talk to him and he's really passionate about his interests and beliefs. I also like how he's willing to humor me when I talk about anime and video games and he'll actually ask me about stuff that I like even if he's not really into it himself.

I don't think he wants to post here for a while because he has stuff to take care of offline so he isn't online more than a few days a week.
I know I should probably be more relaxed and have a "it's just the internet, settle down" mentality; but seriously, it's not that he offends me necessarily, although he has in the past (which I have since learned to ignore, I think); irritates would be a better word. I actually get slightly depressed when I read some of his posts because he so often perpetuates this "most people aren't worth my time" attitude, and it's unfortunate. He seems to me to be a person who can't enjoy life, and that just bums me out.

And if you're reading this Matt... sorry.

I am not a fan of Matt either:cool:You Patrick,on my list for best posters on this forum.
hey RANDY MOSS is back! and you have my quote as your signature haha, when/where was that said? how about you actually quote it instead of writing it out?!
I am not a fan of Matt either:cool:You Patrick,on my list for best posters on this forum.

Should we be alarmed that he knows our names? You guys are probably safe, but I live in the same state and I'm a little worried about the infectious potential of retard slobber.