Controversial opinions on metal


I take it back though, I rank it as #4 helstar album, I think I miscounted one album or whatever
Kind of hard to take someone's opinion seriously when they profess love for Dimmu Borgir and Behemoth :/

I'm not going to defend my views anymore. Some of the more "questionable" albums(ha, as if there is such a thing) that I like, are ones I've been pre-acquainted with before, so they hold some nostalgic value. And Behemoth was one of my gateway bands, so what? Much like Satyricon, who are not as bad as people say, and yes, Dimmu Borgir. Nightwish fall into the same category. Their music is incredibly fluid despite being poppish and cheesy. But then, all of metal is cheesy; why dwell on pointless subdivisions?

Can't stand Deicide, tbh.
DarkBliss' posts are painful for me to read. I mean, I can handle differing opinions and all, but there's just something about this guy. He's extra annoying.
I'll take a leave of this board to calm down perhaps. Like I've done before. Anyway, the ignore function is there for a reason; instead of expressing your distaste for a certain member, you can quietly push that virtual button instead of parading it in front of everyone.

And I know that sometimes I'm acting like a self-righteous baboon; music is a passion for me,not just a hobby, and I'm trying to convert it into words. Sorry if that rubs some people the wrong way, Cyth, et al.
Also, I'm still not sure why people are so blindly biased against anything remotely mainstream.
Give a Dimmu Borgir album to a Britney Spears fan; do you think he'll like it? Also, who am I to dismiss someone's taste based on their liking of Britney Spears? There are sub-stratas of mainstream in both rock/pop and metal. So what if someone likes something remotely accessible?

What about all this love for classic 60s rock bands like The Beatles and The Beach Boys, for instance. They are the Nightwish-es, Evanescenses and Madonnas of today(I'm stretching here). It's simply that their status as a cult band has been romanticized by nostalgic critics and lonely housewives.Or whoever else.
the beach boys & the beatles are only the madonnas/whatever of today in terms of popularity, not musical quality. this is so batshit fucking obvious that i'm not even going to argue with you. and i fucking hate the beatles (mostly).
Good. Now that it's all over I wonder what was the point of starting all this again. :lol:
Live and let live.We're all brothers in metal despite difference of opinion.:kickass:

I'm still at work, tired as fuck, and yet I'm posting here.
Internet message boards are a devilish addiction.
Oh, come on! you take things way too seriously( as I have for the last two pages:lol: )
But you like some power metal though?

Anyway, we need Carcassian back here. So he could tell us to shove all of our shitty opinions about music up the ass, and nail our balls to a wooden board about to be cut by a saw. Or something to that extent.
And listen to nothing but Necroticism for years on end. Ah, I miss that crazy guy.
A shame I don't share his wit and humor, so all you've got is two pages worth of florid sensationalistic bla-bla-bla:erk: