Controversial opinions on metal

challenge everything and I said that Atheist are soulless.
It's difficult to rationalize all feelings via nerdy convoluted rambling.:erk:
Like I said before, it just sounds like an exercise in technicality than a coherent album; there are far too many intermissions in the songs. It just lacks flow, or smth.
I'm still waiting to hear how The Chasm is full of technical excess, because going "oh lol they have wank parts too" just completely doesn't justify such a statement in my mind.

The one thing I've always felt about them is that despite the complexity of their work they've always been completely tasteful about everything.

Long sprawling instrumental sections =/= wank

Not sure why I'm trying to upset the pillars of this seemingly senseless elitism Maybe I'm just trying to sway people toward my mode of thinking. That said, it just feels as though some bands are simply worshipped because of their legacy and fame. Had The Chasm released a record reminiscent of Death, it would've been probably praised as a work of genius, just because of their name.
Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is that more often than not, the line between those bands that we snidely dismiss as sellouts and those that we idolize just due to their status in the underground is often too blurry.
Yes actually it is. The only weak song on the whole thing is 'The Modern Warriors of Death' which is pretty blah. Otherwise fucking killer. Curse You All Men, Source of Icon E, Elagy of Icarous, Of Blindness and Subsequent Seers... all fucking sick. I don't see why an Emperor fan wouldn't love this disc.

Basically yeah. I don't get either why Equilibrium is so disliked. It doesn't really aim in the same direction as the two previous albums, it's more of a riff-album than an atmospheric one. But the riffs, oh the riffs! They flow so nice together and they are so mindbending and unorthodox, you constantly wonder what'll come next, like when you read a great book and you almost feel like turning to the next page before you've read the one you're on.
I'm yet to be presented with proof of the contrary.Or a convincing counter-argument.

Ugh. I'm so tired of this, tbh. Just listen to what you want and let others do the same.
you're so tired of it and yet you're the only one going on about it lol

i mean it's obviously the case to some extent, people are more inclined to see plus points in albums from bands they already like, people often buy into hype (inc. negative hype) etc, but there isn't some great elitist clique deciding what's good and what's not based on attributes outside the music itself. p much every well liked band around here also has albums that people here are really critical of, and, honestly, if any of them released an album that sounded like dimmu borgir they'd be unanimously shot down in seconds. you've had a bee in your bonnet about this for years but i think the majority on this board are pretty open minded and unbiased, so i don't really know where it comes from.
but there isn't some great elitist clique deciding what's good and what's not based on attributes outside the music itself.

In general, yes, but it was kinda funny and kinda questionable in the top 10 bm albums of the decade thread when some of the board's biggest elitests posted almost identical lists.
I would love to hear about what is wrong with Behemoth. Please enlighten me.

They're a terribly bland and boring band. I find nothing good about them. Their black metal was sub-par at best, then they changed to death metal and had less than a handful of good songs until their last 3 albums. Those 3 albums are the epitome of sterile garbage death metal that appeal to people who think shit like Nile and Dimmu are the pantheon of extreme metal.

Such a completely uninteresting band. It's no wonder they are popular with the Ozzfest crowd.