Blind Guardian
Listen to Emperial Live Ceremony, the sound there is pretty killer (minus the trig-drums, go to hell Trym ) and fitting for the music, it's more audible and makes you hear stuff you haven't noticed before.
I'd say .... Lamb of God... the absolute worst metal bands to ever make an album.
Why do people hate on triggers so much? Should we hate on keyboards because the keyboardist is just pressing a button to make those sounds instead of playing all the instruments in the orchestra himself?(minus the trig-drums, I'm a whiny little faggot)
In addition, I'd like to comment and say that anyone who rates their debut highly but gives their sophomore effort a nether-realm rating is being a biased cunt. That is all.
Good to know you're a fan of both.Or they recognize that the two albums are way different. Not that I don't like Anthems anyway, just sayin'.
Dimmu Borgir was never good in any way, shape, or form. I'd say Dimmu, Cradle, and Lamb of God are 3 of the absolute worst metal bands to ever make an album.
Cradle of Filth are ludicrously over dramatic, theatrical and utterly distasteful. Listen to Obtained Enslavement's Witchcraft and tell me if you have the same opinion.
Also, fuck post ITNE Emperor. There's two good things about Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk: the riff Euronymous wrote and The Wanderer.
. That is an excellent fucking album.
So is the one after it.
I think IX Equilibrium is the only one I didn't check out by them. Is that any good?
ITNE is one I'd actually rank towards the bottom; I'd actually rank Wrath of the Tyrant above it. ATTWAD and IX are practically a tie, IMO. Prometheus is their worst, however, though "Prophet" is one of their best songs.
Yet bands like The Chasm are promoted as the lightbringers of modern DM while aesthetically they're often as dense and excessive in their technicality as Chuck and co.