Controversial opinions on metal

The production on Master of Puppets lacks punch, but it's still a very good album. Though I find Disposable Heroes pretty damn boring, drawn-out and overshaped. I have no idea why it's such a fan favorite, to be honest.
Anyway, my favorites on it are Orion, Damage Inc., Welcome Home and the incredible The Thing that Should not Be.

Far away from the Sun is decent; too buzzy and amorphous for me to really enjoy; can't say I really get it.
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Far Away From the Sun are the pinnacle of Black Metal.

The first 2 Morbid Angel are almost faultless.

The Red in the Sky is Ours is probably the greatest Death Metal record.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is easily the weakest of the classic early Norwegian Black Metal albums, though it is still great.

Ride the Lightning is truely great whereas Master of Puppets is mostly mediocre. I have always enjoyed the former, but was never able to get into the latter despite the very obvious similarities between the two.

Judas Priest >> Iron Maiden.

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Far Away From the Sun are the pinnacle of Black Metal.

The first 2 Morbid Angel are almost faultless.

The Red in the Sky is Ours is probably the greatest Death Metal record.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is easily the weakest of the classic early Norwegian Black Metal albums, though it is still great.

Ride the Lightning is truely great whereas Master of Puppets is mostly mediocre. I have always enjoyed the former, but was never able to get into the latter despite the very obvious similarities between the two.

Judas Priest >> Iron Maiden.

I agree with all of this except the part about At The Gates having the best death metal album ever, and that Far Away from the Sun is the pinnacle of black metal. The rest is pretty spot on. Just remove the "almost" from the Morbid Angel statement.
The problem with MOP is that the production is more compressed; the instruments are spliced together during the heavy sections, and the guitars are detuned or smth, so the riffs don't really shine through.
The problem with MOP is that the production is more compressed; the instruments are spliced together during the heavy sections, and the guitars are detuned or smth, so the riffs don't really shine through.

Pretty darn sure, the tuning that Metallica used during those albums was standard E tuning. And going down to Drop D on The Thing That Should Not Be, that's it.
Anyway, AJFA is on par with RTL as their greatest; the bass is totally out of the way on AJFa, which seems to annoy some bass fanatics, the harmony is richer and Hetfield's vocas are ingrained in rhythm; there's some even cool call-response going on on Blackened. The flow of the album is no longer interrupted by rather jarring transitions and sudden interludes. And the drums are awesome; I especially like the ones on One where they emulate machine gunfire.

Granted, it's definitely a bit too long; I could live without Dyers Eve, for one; the production on the album does not fit such a hyperspeed thrasher, imo.
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Far Away From the Sun are the pinnacle of Black Metal.

The first 2 Morbid Angel are almost faultless.

The Red in the Sky is Ours is probably the greatest Death Metal record.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is easily the weakest of the classic early Norwegian Black Metal albums, though it is still great.

Ride the Lightning is truely great whereas Master of Puppets is mostly mediocre. I have always enjoyed the former, but was never able to get into the latter despite the very obvious similarities between the two.

Judas Priest >> Iron Maiden.

I know someone else has used this line before, but I'll paraphrase it now:
You could have just reduced that whole post down and said "I have really shitty taste in music."
I do agree about the first 2 Morbid Angel albums, however.
Granted, it's definitely a bit too long; I could live without Dyers Eve, for one; the production on the album does not fit such a hyperspeed thrasher, imo.

Dyer's Eve is pretty badass. They definitely could have cut Frayed Ends of Sanity, though. To Live Is To Die is also sort of underwhelming.
I wasn't including Satyricon with the DMDS comment, I was mainly refering to the classic works from, Burzum, Darkthrone, Emperor, Enslaved, Immortal and even Ulver's Bergtatt. I think all the best records from these bands are better than DMDS, although as I said it's still a great album.

As for MoP, I could just never get into it for whatever reason where I enjoy every song on RTL apart from Escape.

I am definatly not an 'ANUSite' if that is what you were trying to imply.