Controversial opinions on metal

Kill 'em All is the only Metallica album that I listen to a lot but I think the first three are pretty good. I like the production on Kill 'em All and it has a really spontaneous sound that I enjoy. James Hetfield's vocals also sound different and better than on the other albums.
Kill e'm, All is amazing but Pulling Teeth is just bass wank, and I never liked Metal Militia and the smug Whiplash. The rest is awesome.
It does have killer pacing though, which is why it's so good.
Also, all those bass-heavy Sunlight Studios bands are pretty damn jarring for my ears. You know, Seance, and such. I have no idea what I even found in them. Must be getting older, and wiser. Or stupider, depending on your interpretation
My appreciation for the archetypal Swedish Death Metal sounds has plummeted tbh, though it's only because I've been away from it for so long and I still haven't shaken my perpetual obsession with Finndeath. This topic serves as a nice reminder that I need to revisit some of the more hidden gems that movement had to offer.
About Saltrubbed Eyes: there are sparse spacey moments, especially on slower songs,with a good sense of rhythm here and there, but overall, it just runs together. I just rammed it in and got the worst headache.:loco:
Pretty sure ObscureInfinity has almost entirely turned to trolling and/or inflammatory remarks at this point so I wouldn't worry about it
Ironically I find that the best Swedish death is the kind that doesn't fully follow the Stockholm sound, i.e Therion, Theory In Practice, At The Gates, God Macabre, etc, instead of Dismember, Unleashed, Grave, and so on.