Controversial opinions on metal

They're patchy for sure, and the later sound is rather overblown and shallow, but they still have a good sense of rhythm and melody. "Deliverance" and "The Drapery Falls" for example are just fantastic. Who cares if they're not the classic band that a million and one metal noobs say they are? I still find them worth listening to from time to time.
blood shall be spilled is the weakest song, very true. but i fail to see how the title track or where night surrounds me, for example, are really flat and predictable, except comparative to 5-7. are you sure you're not being harsh on these because those 3 tracks set such high standards? and i do wonder if that climactic string of songs would quite as effective without a sense that the album his built towards it from a lesser plain.

Yeah perhaps. Great albums aren't always compiled of "great song" + "great song" + "great song", instead some tracks can build suspense and contribute to the overall listening experience that will make the whole album more interesting, definitely.
for the record i couldn't get into the last 2 opeth albums AT ALL and would place them easily at the bottom of their discog in terms of quality - how do you feel about those runk? it almost makes me wonder if my appreciation for some of their earlier albums is more rooted in nostalgia than i realise.
Despised Icon is fucking awsome and destroys other bands in its genre, and they are for sure metal as fuck.

And for controversial opinion, Job for A Cowboys Ruination is a better death metal album then Cannibal Corpse`s Evisceration Plague.

I like you.

"Evisceration Plague" was so boring I put it on my "going to sleep" playlist for a while.
for the record i couldn't get into the last 2 opeth albums AT ALL and would place them easily at the bottom of their discog in terms of quality - how do you feel about those runk? it almost makes me wonder if my appreciation for some of their earlier albums is more rooted in nostalgia than i realise.

Most of what's made them pretty good in my eyes from Damnation (of course) and on is completely irrelevant to metal, so it's not a surprise that you wouldn't like them.
I like pretty much every CC album to some degree or another. The latest is their worst... They get alot of crap on this board...

The latest JFaC album is good too...
CC are fun live. I like "Gore Obsessed" the best but I don't have all their albums.

Controversial, I liked In Flames' first single off "Come Clarity," the really poppy nu-metal one
no sorry. I forgot what it was called. googlegooglegoogle. ah, "Reflect The Storm." apparently it wasn't a single but I liked the verses because I am cheese whiz.
for the record i couldn't get into the last 2 opeth albums AT ALL and would place them easily at the bottom of their discog in terms of quality - how do you feel about those runk? it almost makes me wonder if my appreciation for some of their earlier albums is more rooted in nostalgia than i realise.

I don't like Watershed much at all, it kind of feels like the writing focus was totally on sounding fresh and 'far out', rather than actually sounding good. That's also a common syndrome for bands who've run out of ideas I think, to fill the void with technical flare (like the ridiculously overblown drumming) that doesn't add anything at all once you've digged into the music.

Ghost Reveries I like though. I think it has a nice new found groove in the heavy parts, Mikael's clean vocals are arguably the best he's produced to this date, and especially the acoustic songs have a very warm and comfy feeling that I love, reminiscent of early Deep Purple and Black Sabbath-dittos.

I would also place them last in their discography however, none of them really have those orgasmic moments that some earlier albums did.
Being better than Cannibal Corpse is not really an accomplishment, but I guess for JFAC to be better than ANYTHING it's an accomplishment.

Back in the day I would agree with you completely. But after they put out Ruination, which kicks ass.


And...started to cover classic extreme metal bands like Exhumed, I gained a lot more respect for them.