Controversial opinions on metal

That song is like one big breakdown.

And let's have as look now at the release date of Stronghold-hey, look, it's 2001, the same year Dimmu released PEM. What a shocking coincidence.But I thought all post-2000 BM is devoid of soul, depth or whatever other romantic antic you wanna stick in there. Guess not so.

Yeah, so don't you think that disproves everything you've been saying? I like Stronghold but not PEM yet they were both released post-2000. I guess the time period isn't why I listen to certain bands, eh? I really don't think you pay much attention to what you post.

Ya know what, fuck it. Since you fail to have the intellectual capacity and/or reading comprehension to make sense of anything anyone has said in response to your idiocy, I'm going to illustrate my views into five simple points outlining your stupidity.

1. If you think Summoning and Dimmu Borgir sound alike you are stupid/deaf.

2. If you think Necromantia and Dimmu Borgir sound alike you are even stupider than the aforementioned comparison in point #1.

3. If you think people completely disregard musical characteristics in favor of time period, you are stupid.

4. If you think people listen to bands based on "cult" status, you are stupid.

5. If you think people favor music based on reviews rather than the music itself, you are stupid.

So The DarkBliss Is A Complete Idiot award goes to...

  • DarkBliss

*DingDingDing* We have a winner! Who would've saw that coming?

...and with that, I am withdrawling from this argument. :cool:
Tom, but Summoning are also very conventional in their songwriting;each of their albums is structured exactly the same way-starting with an intro, and then going into fairytale synth territory with plodding rhythms.
And let's have as look now at the release date of Stronghold-hey, look, it's 2001, the same year Dimmu released PEM. What a shocking coincidence.But I thought all post-2000 BM is devoid of soul, depth or whatever other romantic antic you wanna stick in there. Guess not so. Hmmm...And yea, Summoning have definitely progressed with each album: treading the same spot since 1995 with every release being a slight variation on another with different production.

Cythraul doesn't like Summoning because he claims that they're cheesy(considering that all metal is to an extent that's hardly an explanation, but whatever, let's not nitpick here). Well, at least he's consistent in his views: disliking both Dimmu and Summoning. I applaud him.

Ok, now that I'm actually following this conversation I can safely say you have no idea what you're yapping about. You're picking like 2 or 3 common attributes of these bands out of a gazillion and saying that should give them a direct correlation in terms of who likes which band. Is it not painfully obvious how short-sighted this theory of yours is?
But it kind of does matter. Image matters as well. Iron Maiden would never be loved by millions if they looked like 50'year old farmers when they released their first album. Neither would "the number of the beast" reach the popularity it did if it was released today. I for one do think one has to take into account all aspects. Id like it to be a matter of just the music but thats clearly not how the world works. We take into account all impressions. That is why the ever so important aspect of timing is essential in reaching musical success.

We are talking strictly about musical value, though. DarkBliss thinks that we literally do not care what a band sounds like, as long as it is released before 2000, or something completely moronic like that.
Dimmu Borgir should have made the soundtrack for the lord of the rings triology.
Weren't Blind Guardian actually considered for the soundtrack? I could just be making that up off the top of my head, but I thought I remember reading that they said they were considered for the job. Or maybe they just wish they were. :cool:
Cythraul doesn't like Summoning because he claims that they're cheesy(considering that all metal is to an extent that's hardly an explanation, but whatever, let's not nitpick here).

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you always trying to find some inconsistency in people's tastes? First of all, 'cheesy', if I ever use the term at all, is merely a placeholder for actual substantive criticisms I have of bands I don't like. Second of all, explain to me how all metal is cheesy to an extent. The term is not even clearly defined.

Well, at least he's consistent in his views: disliking both Dimmu and Summoning. I applaud him.

Dude, seriously, what the fuck is your problem? Where do you come up with this crap? Why should one either like both Dimmu and Summoning or else neither at all? The two are way different. Stop being a retard.
Weren't Blind Guardian actually considered for the soundtrack? I could just be making that up off the top of my head, but I thought I remember reading that they said they were considered for the job. Or maybe they just wish they were. :cool:

I found an interview where they said that they hoped to be asked to compose the soundtrack, but it doesn't seem like anything came of it.

Jeremiah: To come to the point, you have hopes that you will be asked to compose and perform the soundtrack to the Lord of the Rings movies. Why do you feel a heavy metal soundtrack would compliment the stirring and fantastic vision Peter Jackson has for these movies?

Hansi: First of all hope plays an important role in The Lord of the Rings, so it's good to have some and there's no need to lose it at any point. Second, in case we would get the opportunity to do the soundtrack, I doubt that it will be a Heavy Metal soundtrack. It will be unique music which has not been heard before. Like you guys we are die hard Tolkien fans and pretty familiar with The Lord of the Rings, which is one good point for us. Comparing us with established soundtrack composers our advantages are a bigger hunger, a higher freshness and far greater flexibility.

Of course, we can't mess with Mr. Goldsmith or Mr. Williams orchestral-wise, but I am sure inspiration-wise we are at least even. As these people are established, they are connected to certain sounds, we in the end can do whatever we feel fits best. The point is we are prepared and to be honest we recently started working on a classical project. Guess about what? Either we will be involved in the movie or not. One day we are going to release our acoustical vision of that tremendous story. The Lord of the Rings deserves fresh new music far away from all clichés and categories. We have prepared some samples, so whenever there is a request we are ready to show.
That song is like one big breakdown.

Yeah, so don't you think that disproves everything you've been saying? I like Stronghold but not PEM yet they were both released post-2000. I guess the time period isn't why I listen to certain bands, eh? I really don't think you pay much attention to what you post.

Ya know what, fuck it. Since you fail to have the intellectual capacity and/or reading comprehension to make sense of anything anyone has said in response to your idiocy, I'm going to illustrate my views into five simple points outlining your stupidity.

1. If you think Summoning and Dimmu Borgir sound alike you are stupid/deaf.

2. If you think Necromantia and Dimmu Borgir sound alike you are even stupider than the aforementioned comparison in point #1.

3. If you think people completely disregard musical characteristics in favor of time period, you are stupid.

4. If you think people listen to bands based on "cult" status, you are stupid.

5. If you think people favor music based on reviews rather than the music itself, you are stupid.

So The DarkBliss Is A Complete Idiot award goes to...

  • DarkBliss

*DingDingDing* We have a winner! Who would've saw that coming?

...and with that, I am withdrawling from this argument. :cool:

You're too cool for me. A round of applause for such an effective melodramatic exit.
What grave, Jeremy? Since when is being called a retard and fag on a public forum is considered humiliating? Ha. Had I taken to heart all instances of cyber-bullying I have been a victim of, I would have given up on the internet entirely.

Matt, you forgot to mention Godflesh in your post.

Cyth, my friend, all metal is cheesy regardless of the depth you attribute to your favorite bands simply because it achieves entertainment via shock value- whether through lyrics, extreme brutality/technicality,etc.
Yea, I'm aware of the word's ambivalence, yet all of us still use it a lot.
As far as I'm concerned, all ambivalent words should be purged from existence so we could all understand each other clearly, without hanging on to every such word for explication.
3. If you think people completely disregard musical characteristics in favor of time period, you are stupid.

4. If you think people listen to bands based on "cult" status, you are stupid.

5. If you think people favor music based on reviews rather than the music itself, you are stupid.

IMO, there really are people that do this, but they are pretty stupid and not nearly as common as DarkBliss claims.
They exist everywhere.In every conceivable artform-from video games to movies and books.
You have them in rock, metal, prog. Arguing about whether Camel are better than King Crimson, the Beatles are better than the Beach Boys,Queen are better Led Zeppelin etc...
A few years ago this website was an elitists' nest, with Falco trolling the shit out of everyone.
Tom was GOD, and Erik was around. I kinda miss those days.
I'm just getting into Holy Moses and from what I've heard, they perhaps belong in those BEST THRASH ALBUMS N STUFF LOIK DAT FRUM BACK WHEN AND NAOW lists that people make. Seriously, some good shit. Sabinas got it right. I'm not much of a thrasher though, but if I find more stuff I like as much as their most recent and The New Machine of Liechtenstein then I may turn.