Controversial opinions on metal

I'm just getting into Holy Moses and from what I've heard, they perhaps belong in those BEST THRASH ALBUMS N STUFF LOIK DAT FRUM BACK WHEN AND NAOW lists that people make. Seriously, some good shit. Sabinas got it right. I'm not much of a thrasher though, but if I find more stuff I like as much as their most recent and The New Machine of Liechtenstein then I may turn.
They're up there, yeah. Excellent, underrated thrash.
Fuck, I sat through this whole thing for that outcome? Fuck you all, I'm gonna go finish my wine and hopefully get lost in a good book.

Yeah, so basically DarkBliss talked in meaningless circles for five pages while everyone took him seriously, only to discover that he didn't really care about anything he was saying in the end, and it was all just an attempt to stir up a shitstorm.
Explain to me how I am hopeless? Hopefully you can construe a better argument than you did for the past twenty pages.
Cyth, my friend, all metal is cheesy regardless of the depth you attribute to your favorite bands simply because it achieves entertainment via shock value- whether through lyrics, extreme brutality/technicality,etc.

Really? All metal bands have some cheesy element? You ought to be careful about making such bold claims; there are bound to be a number of significant counterexamples. But even ignoring all that, your judgment of "cheesy" is totally fucking arbitrary. First of all, since nobody even has a clear sense of what that term means, except that it's vaguely associated with a negative reaction towards a piece of art or entertainment, then one can literally count almost anything as cheesy. It's clearly quite dependent on your preferences and what you're willing to take seriously, and your judgments in this respect are clearly colored by your preferences. Please, tell me what the fuck cheesy is.
I honestly don't know. It's whatever you call something when you don't like it. Why do people coin silly, vaguely defined words? You don't have to answer that.
Fine. He's insulting me for superficially comparing the aesthetics of a canonical BM band to a sell-out artist. Let's move on with the program. I'm weary of this already.
In the beginning DarkBliss had a good argument..he said that there are some people that hate on bands only because they are sell-outs (which is true in some cases), but when he started "fleshing" it out he just started getting annoying and started stating things that were completely incorrect (comparing band's vague aesthetics and saying you have to like both?) and now he has just gotten to the point of WTF with statements such as "musical technicality = cheesy" and that he misses the old days of elitism on these boards despite the fact that he's been arguing about elitism for the past 6 pages..

So let's save this thread by starting a new convo.

Controversial: If you like Exhorder, then you have to like Pantera! Else you are a hypocrite!
Cyanide: I miss Falco's antics. Sure, he was a douchebag, but he was funny anyway. And what I meant by what I said is that extreme metal is the most attention-calling of all genres due to its harsh aesthetics and inherent theatrics. Maybe I formulated that the wrong way.

Okay, I'm done hijacking this thread with my rambling. Carry on.
damn why is this still going on!

Because neither person involved seems to be man enough to walk away from a debate without having the last word. That is usually how debates turn ugly even if they arent ugly from the start.

Edit: and also if someone is thought to be trolling the best way is never to take a debate with them but to ignore them. If people take notice that is what the trolls want. Now Im not saying anyone in the debate here is a troll. Just making a general statement.
Okay, that's enough. Let's not drag it out anymore.I started this and I wanna end it now. Eh, damn the Ozzman for making this thread.

Let's talk about something else. I simply have nothing at the moment.
Fine. He's insulting me for superficially comparing the aesthetics of a canonical BM band to a sell-out artist. Let's move on with the program. I'm weary of this already.

Not to prolong this, but you were called an idiot because you called people a hypocrite for liking Summoning and not Dimmu Borgir, for accusing us of judging the quality of music primarily on the year it was released, of being interested in bands only because they're "cult", or because some approved elitist said it was okay to listen to them, among other things, none of which you cared to verify. Also, for the record, I don't mind the first two albums. They clearly shifted gears after the second album though, which I'm sure even you could agree, and did so in a style I find unappealing.
Touche. I've just become disenchanted by Summoning's music so I've tried to force my pesudo-analytical dissection of their music on others to expose its shallowness as I perceive it, by comparing them to other "symphonic BM acts with a "gimmick". And well, as you can see, this hasn't turned out to be such a grand idea.:lol:

But whatever, a good debater(although many may disagree that I'm good as evidenced by the feedback to my posts, ha)) knows when to quit, and I quit.