Controversial opinions on metal

Sounds weird.

Conceptually, it is, but I found Magma very accessible. It's very easy and fun to listen to them. Their music has very lucid flow and you kind of tag along for the ride until the very end, despite all the weirdnesss that's going on. The vocals may prove the greatest barrier.
If I want poetic genius I read Yeats or Blake. I don't really care that much about life on the streets.

I've heard Common and thought his music was catchy. I've heard some Cypress Hill, but probably not enough. I just can't listen to it for extended periods of time, and therefore can't bring myself to enjoy it immensely. I'm a fan of folk music (and some metal, :) ). Rap doesn't sit well with me.
Conceptually, it is, but I found Magma very accessible. It's very easy and fun to listen to them. Their music has very lucid flow and you kind of tag along for the ride until the very end, despite all the weirdnesss that's going on. The vocals may prove the greatest barrier.
Sounds interesting. I like some 70s prog, though I prefer it to be instrumental, since stupid lyrics about love/sex irritate me.
you'll find me in the club, bottle full of bud
i'm just into sex, ain't into makin love

Pure fucking lyrical genius.

I think you're kidding?

Nelly is far from fucking lyrical genius. That kind of rap is for the immature, impatient consumer-driven masses. It has no positive value in society.
No one needs to get into any rap, as far as I'm concerned. The closest I come to rap is Rage Against the Machine, pretty much. Some 2Pac and The Roots here and there.
Yeah, not a big fan myself. I like the idea of rap - rhythmic, vocal centric, groovy, flowing - but rarely find anything I can get into. I plan to eventually put some effort into getting some decent rap, but for now there's just so much fucking metal I need to have.
Nelly is far from fucking lyrical genius. That kind of rap is for the immature, impatient consumer-driven masses. It has no positive value in society.
Tied to my mattress
Legs spread wide
Ruptured bowel, yanked
From her insides
Devirginized with my knife
Internally bleeding
Vagina, secreting
her blood-wet pussy
I am eating
on her guts I am feeding
Mutilated with a machete
I fucked her dead body
The first and last
Your life's only romance
My knife's jammed in your ass
As you die you orgasm
-George Fisher, Poet Laureate of Cannibal Corpse
I have to strongly disagree.

Originality - check
Cool riffs - check
Anger - check
Weird solos - check
Shouting - check
Politically charged lyrics - check

what's wrong with that?
Annoying ass fucking voice-Check
Stupid Poser Metal-Check
Sounds like rap-Check
Boring Repetitive Music-Check
Why would you ever listen to this shit when you can just go listen to real metal not this rapping shit
I think you're kidding?

Nelly is far from fucking lyrical genius. That kind of rap is for the immature, impatient consumer-driven masses. It has no positive value in society.

BTW, that is 50 Cent and not Nelly. Nelly came up with the utterly brilliant catch line: "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes." I mean, you need to be exceptionally clever to come up with something like that.:worship:
-George Fisher, Poet Laureate of Cannibal Corpse

I'm not the biggest fan of those lyrics either. Pointless, in my book.

rage against the machine fucking blows not one redeeming quality


Annoying ass fucking voice-Check
Stupid Poser Metal-Check
Sounds like rap-Check
Boring Repetitive Music-Check
Why would you ever listen to this shit when you can just go listen to real metal not this rapping shit

Rage Against the Machine isn't poser metal. They're not even metal. The rhythms and instrumental styles are different than most extreme or traditional metal styles (with the possible exception of Morello's guitar work). The lyrics are intelligent and intellectual, and far better than most metal lyrics to be quite honest. I'm reluctant to believe that you've actually listened intently to RATM rather than simply heard a few songs on the radio.
All my poser friends listen to them I don't know much by them but I can't stand the shit I've heard. I hate anything that is associated with rap, besides Death and some Progressive bands I don't think America has produced much good music.
Annoying ass fucking voice-Check
Stupid Poser Metal-Check
Sounds like rap-Check
Boring Repetitive Music-Check
Why would you ever listen to this shit when you can just go listen to real metal not this rapping shit
If you don't like his voice, not much you can do about that. As far as poser metal, they never, ever claimed to be metal. A lot of people call them alt metal, but I'd say they're equal parts punk, metal, rap, and hard rock. As far as the sounds like rap, that's just in the way that he raps the lyrics. A lot of metal bands deliver their lyrics in a similar quasi-rap fashion. As far as boring and repetitive...whatever. But it doesn't get more repetitive than a blast beat (gee, I think I'll hit this a couple hundred times).

I'm not the biggest fan of those lyrics either. Pointless, in my book.
Yeah. But it does make the rap lyrics seem wholesome and intelligent.

All my poser friends listen to them I don't know much by them but I can't stand the shit I've heard. I hate anything that is associated with rap, besides Death and some Progressive bands I don't think America has produced much good music.

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