Controversial opinions on metal

Holy shit! How the fuck are RATM good!? Sounds to me like a fucking stupid rapper rapping along with extremely shitty guitar playing, which is like one crappy riff played over and over along with overuse of the whammy bar.
Holy shit! How the fuck are RATM good!? Sounds to me like a fucking stupid rapper rapping along with extremely shitty guitar playing, which is like one crappy riff played over and over along with overuse of the whammy bar.

Okay, feel free to criticize Zach all you like, but Tom Morello is an excellent guitarist. He's also probably the most creative lead guitarist in hard rock today.
RATM has rap vocals, but I like them better than real rap. I also probably like them better than any other rock band. Unlike all other well known rock bands, they don't have stupid lyrics about girls and sex, and the riffs are actually aggressive and driving.
Holy shit! How the fuck are RATM good!? Sounds to me like a fucking stupid rapper rapping along with extremely shitty guitar playing, which is like one crappy riff played over and over along with overuse of the whammy bar.

I'm... I'm speechless...

The man's a genius.
Which is why people confuse them with metal.
They aren't my favorite rock band, but they're up there. Zach isn't a particularly good rapper, but he sounds very angry, which is the point.
EDIT: ninjad
Maybe I shouldn't ask, but who is that?

Controversial opinion: I decided to give JFAC a second chance since I'll be seeing them this friday, and they aren't bad.
The amount of closed-mindedness in this thread is insane. Most of the reasons given for not liking a certain band are completely ignorant. Yay for giving it a chance. :rolleyes:
Rage rock the fucking house. The music is phenomenal, and if you think it's boring that's probably because you don't agree with their views

I agree with basically nothing that de la Rocha says in his lyrics; but that doesn't mean he says them in an immature, uninteresting way.

You're wrong about me. I don't like any bands that sing about political shit, whether they're Nazis or radical communist lesbian negros. It's transitory and therefore boring to me and my utterly profound nature.

edit: Furthermore, I don't like black people music and Rage Against the Machine sounds like black people music to me therefore I do not like it.
Who cares really? It's not your problem if people are stupid so why bother wasting your time caring.
It IS my problem because I have to deal with it every fucking day. Stupid people keep me from enjoying life, and if I'm going to complain about it, I have a damn right to. (If this wasn't directed at me, then forget this post.)
You're wrong about me. I don't like any bands that sing about political shit, whether they're Nazis or radical communist lesbian negros. It's transitory and therefore boring to me and my utterly profound nature.

That is awesome. I must admit though, your profundity doesn't transfer well through written-even worse, typed-word.

But I wasn't speaking about you specifically; most people who can't stand them generally disagree with what they say politically. I apologize for lumping you in with the common masses.