Controversial opinions on metal

I actually have no doubt in my mind that razor thinks Black Metal isn't music. He thinks the same of Punk & hip hop. I've had many run-ins with him in the non-metal forum. I'd kinda become used to him though, and I dunno that he deserved to be banned for airing controversial opinions in the Controversial opinions on metal thread.

I didn't report him for airing controversial opinions.

I reported him for being a complete fucking tool that continued to instigate drama and bullshit, and even admitting he was here to troll.

You need to stop imitating VelociBrad, the aggro wanker metalhead attitude doesn't suit you.

I'd like you to tell me where the rock riffs are in this track:

Uhh... all over the place? Those are not metal riffs, neither in composition nor atmosphere.

Not to mention, this brings me to the belief that you people really don't know how to argue. Even if that one song DID have metal riffs, even if it WAS a metal track... one song does not prove me wrong.
Death is better than Obituary, but Death are liked far more than Obituary, to the extent that you could say they are more overrated.
If it wasn't for Nostradamus they'd be much more consistent than Maiden, but they kind of fucked themselves with that one. Everything else Priest has done is at least passable, if uninspired and trend-following. The same can not be said for Virtual XI or the last two. Steve Harris dove head on into the realm of Bad Ideas™ and I doubt he'll ever leave it.

EDIT: And Deicide wins overratedness.
AMOLAD and DoD are both far, far better than Jugulator. AMOLAD is deeply flawed but had great potential and DoD is honestly quite good; Paschendale and No More Lies are classics and there are a number of quite catchy and enjoyable songs (Rainmaker, Montsegur, etc). It's marred by a weak ending (Journeyman flat out sucks, for one thing). Brave New World is honestly an excellent album, and I would actually put it on par with the band's 80s output. It's much more mature and subdued, but there are some really interesting ideas and great songs on there. The interlude in Nomad is absurdly long, though.
of COURSE 70s priest owns the crap out of all maiden, and of course maiden at their peak own all post-70s priest, this really goes without saying and i have no idea why anyone would try to claim otherwise

s/t deicide is great. people who think deicide are overrated presumably haven't heard it. ditto with obituary and slowly we rot. ditto with early death, although yes, considering their rabid popularity they are rather overrated.

anyway i suppose the point of this post is to say stop being gay cocksuckers