Controversial opinions on metal

I like labels. Just because I maybe in the mood for thrash metal, doens't mean I am equally cool with listening to Emporer at the time. Metal is metal only in the sense that because I like heavy/aggressive/technical/loud music, I might like Emporer as well.
Angst-filled is a rather vague term,anyway, and can be applied to anything.All thrash is angst-fiiled, for instance.But it doesn't really describe the music.

More angst-filled, less angst-filled. Who knows, what that is really? Everything can be graded arbitrarily.

Jesus Christ you're fucking worthless. You started off with a good point in your first paragraph and then you had to finish it off with your retarded subjectivism.

But yeah, metal as a genre is about as angsty as it gets and if you deny that you're just lying to yourself, probably because you yourself are angsty.
My point was people don't break down other genres of music like metal fans do. For whatever reasons, elitists like to describe every little nuance of a band and pin them down to a precise form of metal, which is a waste of time imo.
My point was people don't break down other genres of music like metal fans do. For whatever reasons, elitists like to describe every little nuance of a band and pin them down to a precise form of metal, which is a waste of time imo.

Other genres of music don't have near as many different nuances.
My point was people don't break down other genres of music like metal fans do. For whatever reasons, elitists like to describe every little nuance of a band and pin them down to a precise form of metal, which is a waste of time imo.

Not true in all cases. What if someone says: man, someone recommended me to listen (for example) Alcest. What kind of music they play? will you say just 'metal'? I would try to describe the best I can and name some other bands - if it applies - that play something similar.
Jesus Christ you're fucking worthless. You started off with a good point in your first paragraph and then you had to finish it off with your retarded subjectivism.

Bad day at work?

So I'm worthless for stating my opinion on a message board? Okay. Do you have any other criteria by which you define the worth of an individual, or something?

Just admit it that you don't like when others use subjectivity as some sort of universal defense mechanism.

."OMG, you're a poseur, fag, subhuman, fucking Jew(lol) whatever else I have managed to come up with in that split second before hitting the "post reply" button." Borring.Where's the humor, man?
I've said for years labels are dumb as hell in the first place. I get that some bands are really hard to pin down, but it really doesn't matter. Metal is metal to me. If it kicks ass then I don't care what sub, or sub-sub-subus-bugfsubusb genre it is.


Arguing over whether a particular band constitutes metal/hard rock/nu-metal/whatever is silly. So many bands blur all these labels anyway.
Labels are necessary sometimes, you can't just throw them all in the garbage.

Depressive black metal is the angstiest genre of music in existence. Pensees Nocturnes is the angstiest artist I have ever heard, since the lyrics are approximately "WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" ad nauseum. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, sometimes we need "Charles Dickens orphan on a rainy street at night hating life."
Yeah, angsty. Similar to Korn but arguably executed better. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH! BLEAKNESS! WAHHHHHHH"
Just admit it that you don't like when others use subjectivity as some sort of universal defense mechanism.

I admit it. Know why I don't like it? Because it's a blanket defense that renders argument worthless. In order to engage in a debate about anything there has to be a mutual agreement that there is at least some degree of objective truth to debate. I can support subjectivism in defending yourself for listening to something or whatever, that's absolutely fine. But saying "maybe it's angsty, maybe it's not" is incredibly fucking stupid. Angst is a word with a definition, and while there isn't an actual scale for it, it's measurable.

Without angst there would be no good art or music
Absolutely. Too much angst is annoying, but angst itself is not at all a bad thing.