Controversial opinions on metal

I started a monster of a discussion that has led to people being annoyed with other people while I sit back and watch. Here's my input :loco:

Limp Bizkit isn't metal.

I remember the discussion. Everyone were involved in the discussion as if it really fucking mattered. These kind of debates, whether Slipknot is metal or not, have no end. About people being annoyed, yeah, they flamed the living shit out of each other.
Meh I never followed that high-schooler "OH FUCK WHAT A RAT, FUCK" attitude. I thought it was juvenile.

So sucks to be him I guess?
Razoredge got banned because I reported the fucker a bunch of times. He even basically admitted he was only here to instigate/provoke reactions from people (so... basically a troll). So that should've been enough grounds to get him banned.

Plus he was being a complete and total tool... "ive been living for a bajillion years so I know better than you". Yeah, k bud.

I honestly don't believe razoredge was a troll, he was worse because I think he actually believed everything he said. I really don't recall him posting much in the metal part of the forum until recently, but he should have been banned a long time ago for things he has said over the years in the philosopher's part of the forum.

I've actually never reported him, but thank you for doing so. :worship:
Nu-metal was at its peak about 12 years ago, and assuming that back then your average nu-metal fan was between 10 and 20 years of age, think that nu-metal love would be coming from 22 - 32 year olds, not 16 - 20 year olds.

The general age group of people that would enjoy nu-metal is between 13-20 i'd say. Unless of course you are saying that people only listened to it during its peak and not now.
Limp Bizkit is metal as FUCK

No but seriously Wes Borland did channel Ministry in a couple Big Dumb Face songs.

This is so stupid, VelociBrad must have had a rectal prolapse by now watching people argue about whether or not Slipknot is metal for pages on end

No it just amazes me that people actually listen to this horrible teenage angst filled crap and want to call it metal because it's "heavy".
Angst-filled is a rather vague term,anyway, and can be applied to anything.All thrash is angst-fiiled, for instance.But it doesn't really describe the music.

More angst-filled, less angst-filled. Who knows, what that is really? Everything can be graded arbitrarily.
No it just amazes me that people actually listen to this horrible teenage angst filled crap and want to call it metal because it's "heavy".

What does that even mean? Having any glimmer of angst in your music is bad all of the sudden? Bands aren't allowed to be new and cutting edge and reach out to a mass of people without automatically being shit in your book?

Old school punk was filled with angst, do you think that sucked too?
No it just amazes me that people actually listen to this horrible teenage angst filled crap and want to call it metal because it's "heavy".

You know, I think Slipknot and like bands sucks too. But, what the fuck does it matter to you what they call it??? How does that affect you in ANY WAY????? No offense intended, but Jesus Jumpin Christ, it's really fucking stupid to be angered by what someone else "calls" music you don't like. Why do you even give a flying fuck?
What does that even mean? Having any glimmer of angst in your music is bad all of the sudden? Bands aren't allowed to be new and cutting edge and reach out to a mass of people without automatically being shit in your book?

Old school punk was filled with angst, do you think that sucked too?

Old school punk, thankfully, isn't an abomination. lol at new and cutting edge. Absolute shit. Go listen to your 13 year old "my parents don't understand me, everybody sucks" music.
Go listen to your 13 year old "my parents don't understand me, everybody sucks" music.

Do you mean 13 year old as in music that's 13 years old, or do you mean music for 13 year olds? I really need clarification here otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight.
At least Slipknot tries to be more metal now. S/T and Iowa were really bad. Still they suck but not so much as on the past IMO. Probably they are the most decent nu metal band. Mudvayne is decent too for the style.

I can't call them metal - probably now are something like 'borderline metal' but, who cares? they suck anyway.
ITT VB just constantly repeats himself.
If he doesnt like your opinion or the music he likes, you're obviously a child. WE FUCKING GET IT ALREADY.

meatlheads (typo purposely left) are such a fickle people... A nu-metal band can have metal influences and not be a metal band, yet if a newer death metal band has a single hardcore influence, it is automatically labeled "deathcore."
I've said for years labels are dumb as hell in the first place. I get that some bands are really hard to pin down, but it really doesn't matter. Metal is metal to me. If it kicks ass then I don't care what sub, or sub-sub-subus-bugfsubusb genre it is.