Controversial opinions on metal

Maybe... can you disable people from sending you pms? If not, the option under his name has disappeared, something that happens to banned members.
Go listen to Slipknot then and keep thinking it's metal and be wrong, not my problem you want to be misinformed and stupid.

I have an "intense dislike" for power metal and metalcore too, yet I don't dismiss that saying it's not metal. You see that? Gasp! I just proved you wrong. Amazing.

I'm not trying to pick sides here, but could we drop the snarkiness please? The only good thing that has come out of you and STN arguing is that last insult he threw at you which made me laugh pretty hard.

Anyways, Slipknot imo is the most borderline band on the planet right now. A lot of the stuff they do is very metal, and then a lot of it isn't. I could argue they play heavier tunes than a lot of metal bands I've heard that people like to praise. And again, at the same time, they play some a lot of alternative style music as well.

Making the claim that they are on either side of the fence and stating, "That's the way it is so fucking deal with it" is beyond ignorant. Not that I'm calling you ignorant, I just think the way you are going about defending your side of the argument is.

Again, I'm obviously a little biased because I actually like Slipknot, but I tried my best to be as objective as possible.

edit: Btw, to all the vet posters around here who were waiting for me to grow a pair and start discussing metal again: I'm back nygars. I went on a sabbatical to "find my way" again with metal music and I'm on a good path. :kickass:
Maybe... can you disable people from sending you pms? If not, the option under his name has disappeared, something that happens to banned members.
Well, actually you can disable private messaging via the edit options in the control panel. Somehow I doubt he did that, though.
It does have some decent riffs on it. I even like Draiman's voice, except when he does the retard monkey growl or whatever the hell it is. Fortunately it's been used less and less.

I have a buddy who professed hatred for Disturbed, and I put on Indestructible for him (when it came out), and he was starting to head bang and then he heard Draiman and he does a 180 and claims it sucked. :rolleyes:
The last two Disturbed albums both have some solid rock/metal songs. I don't even see what people have against the vocalist. He's fairly distinctive, actually sings, doesn't shoot loads of autotune over his lines, and overall comes off as the most genuine mainstream metal singer of the last many years.
There are a lot of bands that people intensely dislike yet have no concern to argue aren't metal. Maybe, just maybe there are some legitimate reasons to think that Slipknot isn't metal. I'll grant that Slipknot has certain traits that give them a superficial veneer of metalness, but I also think most of those traits aren't even unique to metal and that their sound and image is largely not rooted in anything that's widely acknowledged to be unequivocally metal. Maybe you could point out something non-superficial that makes Slipknot a metal band?

I think in the case of Slipknot, the reasons that most true metal warriors denounce their status as a metal act are rooted in the fact that they were part of the nu-metal fad, and they rely on gimmicky imagery and lyrics that are painfully obviously aimed at angry 13 year olds. The intense dislike felt for them is completely different than a dislike for a style of metal like power metal for example. It's like an affront to the average metal fan's intelligence. I only own their first album and I understand they've become more commercial sounding since then, but there is no doubt in my mind that the self-titled is a metal album. I don't see how it's any less metal than say, Lamb of God, Machine Head or Pantera. I'm interested to know what genre you consider their sound to be rooted in...? I'm gathering the traits you mentioned are things like double kick, guitar sound, guitar riffs, screamed/aggressive vocals, aggressive playing, production etc, all of which are not necessarily unique to metal, but given the context all of these traits together in the one band makes them a metal band by default imo, regardless of the quality of their "art".

At any rate the 'it sucks so it's not metal' line is an intelligible argument even if you don't think it's sound in this case. There are cases where somebody is so bad at x that it would make sense to say that they are not even doing x. If you're bad enough at speaking, like razoredge is, it might make sense to say that when you attempt to speak you're not really even speaking, but instead babbling like a retarded ape. See what I mean?

Ok you've got me there. :lol:

Why did razor get banned btw?
people think slipknot aren't a metal band? blah, only a handful of internet posters would bother to advance that. it's pretty obvious they're a metal band. it's amazing how openminded people are about the different styles and genres within metal, until it gets applied to a band that are commercially very successful, at which point if they're not slayer they are denounced by the 7 online muppets as "not a metal band".
people think slipknot aren't a metal band? blah, only a handful of internet posters would bother to advance that. it's pretty obvious they're a metal band. it's amazing how openminded people are about the different styles and genres within metal, until it gets applied to a band that are commercially very successful, at which point if they're not slayer they are denounced by the 7 online muppets as "not a metal band".

Well, the thing is they don't play metal you know. Like, that their music is not metal.
I'm a little surprised to see razoredge is banned. Was there a specific post that led to the banhammering?

VelociBrad, there are a lot of people between my age and your age who love nu-metal. Do not reserve your hate for the littl'uns only.
I didn't think he did anything banworthy but I'm sure his Angry Blue Collar Whitey spiel made some people mad in the Philosopher forum.
Well, the thing is they don't play metal you know. Like, that their music is not metal.

What genre of music do they play exactly then?
What genre of music, loaded with metal influences, does nu-metal fall under?

This is what I dont understand, I dont care if you like the music or not... WTF is it, if not metal?