Controversial opinions on metal

I admit it. Know why I don't like it? Because it's a blanket defense that renders argument worthless. In order to engage in a debate about anything there has to be a mutual agreement that there is at least some degree of objective truth to debate. I can support subjectivism in defending yourself for listening to something or whatever, that's absolutely fine. But saying "maybe it's angsty, maybe it's not" is incredibly fucking stupid. Angst is a word with a definition, and while there isn't an actual scale for it, it's measurable.

That's not what I said.I said "more" or "less". Brad, for instance doesn't like Metallica past RTL,or so he said once, but he loves Morbid Angel. Does that mean he finds Metallica's music more angst-filled than MA's? Perhaps.
Maybe he thinks Metallica have more in common with nu-metal than MA. So what did I make of that? That he has arbitrarily graded Metallica's music as more angst-filled to justify his preferences(or maybe it's just the lyrics that bother him). See how many maybies I've come up with? What objectivity are you talking about then?
You came up with two "maybe"s, both of which have objective answers. You are being a complete cock jockey about this, and you need to stop. If you're going to go down this subjectivist road, please go far enough that you paralyze yourself into not posting because maybe you've already made that post and the forum is actually a cactus anyways; after all, who can tell for sure?
Now you're just being random. But with that touch of out of the blue quirkiness that I like. I enjoyed it.

Fun random trivia: did you know that Israeli natives are called tzabars? I.e. cacti. Behind their harsh exterior lies softness.

And sometimes one "maybe" is enough to throw objectivity out the window.
Angry angst is for driving, getting ready to go out on the town, and pumping yourself up during exericise.

Sad angst is for shitty rainy Mondays and Tuesdays. Like yesterday and today.
Razoredge got banned because I reported the fucker a bunch of times. He even basically admitted he was only here to instigate/provoke reactions from people (so... basically a troll). So that should've been enough grounds to get him banned.

Plus he was being a complete and total tool... "ive been living for a bajillion years so I know better than you". Yeah, k bud.

I actually have no doubt in my mind that razor thinks Black Metal isn't music. He thinks the same of Punk & hip hop. I've had many run-ins with him in the non-metal forum. I'd kinda become used to him though, and I dunno that he deserved to be banned for airing controversial opinions in the Controversial opinions on metal thread.

Rock (possibly alt-rock or something), with hip/hop and SLIGHT metal influences. I've said this a HUNDRED times, but it seems some people here dropped out of school after Grade 1.

Having some metal CHARACTERISTICS HERE OR THERE, does not make you a metal band. Their RIFFS, were 90% ROCK-BASED. They are a ROCK band with METAL influences. Not the other way around.

Fuck, some people (not you) are stupid.

It has nothing to do with like/dislike. My best bud IRL likes some Slipknot... but he doesn't have the bad sense to call it metal.

You need to stop imitating VelociBrad, the aggro wanker metalhead attitude doesn't suit you. I'd like you to tell me where the rock riffs are in this track:

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I don't recall The Butt being that bad, whereas I don't recall VelociBrad being anything other than a humourless chest-beater.
The next person who says the word "angst" or makes a reference to my post being filled with "angst" or "angst-y" music or art or fuck knows what is going to get my angst-plagued cloven hoof up their chocolate starfish. You've killed the word; it's fucking dead! Let it rest and move on.
I've been wanting to say this for quite some time, but Limp Bizkit's debut album 3 Dollar Bill is excellent to listen to when you are high.

Now bear with me, I'm not praising not every song on the album like Pollution (which sounds just like their new crap), but songs like Stalemate and Everything that have a very jazzy feel to them. Also their drummer definitely has some real talent and it's a shame he abandoned this freestyle form of jazz for some basic break-your-neck type beats in the later albums!

Other than that, yes Limp Dick is awful, but they did make one decent album IMO.
3 Dollar Bill had its moments. I enjoyed "Counterfeit" and "Stuck" a lot back in the day.

I guess the difference I see between VelociBrad and The Butt (going only by this thread btw) is that The Butt tries to make pseudo-intellectual arguments backing up his "YOU'RE FUCKING WRONG" declarations, and VB just kind of goes "YOU'RE 13 HUH."
Iron Maiden beat the living shit out of Judas Priest, past present and future.

Yes I know we've covered it before, but we are in a bit of a rut.
I agree with WAIF. Though Priest has their classic 70s era (hell,listening to sad wings right now), British Steel, and some of Painkiller, Maiden has been much more consistent.