Controversial opinions on metal

Paramore, Pain of Salvation, and twelve year olds.

It's not looking good, dude.

Not metal - has no weight in judging my metal taste, hardly metal nowadays but even so their run from Entropia through BE was the best in prog. metal, I'll limit myself at 16 nowadays.

Either way my favorite metal bands are - The Chasm, Burzum, Darkthrone, Saint Vitus, and Primordial.
Not metal - has no weight in judging my metal taste, hardly metal nowadays but even so their run from Entropia through BE was the best in prog. metal, I'll limit myself at 16 nowadays.
You're still a fag, and 16 is still creepy.

Either way my favorite metal bands are - The Chasm, Burzum, Darkthrone, Saint Vitus, and Primordial.
How incredibly safe.
I actually like Darkthrone's newer stuff best. I respect that their black metal stuff obviously had a massive influence, but as someone who first heard more modern stuff that developed on what Darkthrone did, I can't hear it in the same way that someone would who's first experience with black metal was Darkthrone.
I've had a massive Darkthrone-resurgence lately. It can never be emphasized enough how original and groundbreaking they were on Under A Funeral Moon and especially Transilvanian Hunger, they created magic right there. Also, I read the lyrics for the first time ever and they're really damn enchancing when combined with the music.
I've had a massive Darkthrone-resurgence lately. It can never be emphasized enough how original and groundbreaking they were on Under A Funeral Moon and especially Transilvanian Hunger, they created magic right there. Also, I read the lyrics for the first time ever and they're really damn enchancing when combined with the music.

This is what they all say. I always found Darkthrone annoying and sort of boring, so maybe when I have time next week I'll listen more.
I don't understand all the hype behind Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 1. I mean, it's good, but I was expecting something phenomenal and I only think it's above average
I don't understand all the hype behind Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 1. I mean, it's good, but I was expecting something phenomenal and I only think it's above average

It set the standard for something; that's really all. Similar to how Robert Jordan set the standard for your generic epic high fantasy novel; it's nothing spectacular, but it was important.
Nah. Just about everything surpasses Keeper pt 1, whereas WoT is decidedly above average for generic high fantasy.
What is this supposed to mean?
It means those are bands that pretty much everyone either likes or at least respects. No one would ever criticize anyone for liking any of them.

Oh God, no it's not. I tried reading that series and quit halfway through the third book. So bland, safe and dull.
I picked it up when I was like 12, so I guess it has some nostalgic value to me, and also the quality of the writing has improved. W/e.