Controversial opinions on metal

I don't see it this way. If their songs appear to wander, it's not because they don't know what to do in the context of the composition, but because they choose a technique that works more on a continuous vibe than progression. They don't build much upon an idea; instead, the instruments remain more or less static throughout the song (with a riff thrown in here and there for good measure), allowing for Alan's vocals to be the primary catalyst for moving the song to its conclusion. This can be boring to lots of people; but I think that Primordial is one of the few exceptions in metal where the vocals/lyrics can be said to be a significant, if not the primary, focus of the band.

The long, meandering instrumental sections are made tolerable by Alan's presence.

Vocally he loses focus too though. For every 'Empire Falls', where there's a definite melody, there's another four tracks where he just kind of speaks in the same deliberate fashion for the whole song. When Primordial actually get their act together and write a vocal melody that goes with the riff, they're unbeatable, but they just don't do it often enough. I can barely distinguish between all the dross that fills up the last two thirds of Spirit the Earth Aflame.

Their other big problem is that they have one of the worst drummers, and drum tones, in metal.
He isn't even that good of a vocalist for their entire band to hinge on his presence. They're an extremely overrated average band in every facet. It's really nothing more complicated than that.

It really is. Don't simplify what isn't cold hard fact to begin with.

Vocally he loses focus too though. For every 'Empire Falls', where there's a definite melody, there's another four tracks where he just kind of speaks in the same deliberate fashion for the whole song. When Primordial actually get their act together and write a vocal melody that goes with the riff, they're unbeatable, but they just don't do it often enough. I can barely distinguish between all the dross that fills up the last two thirds of Spirit the Earth Aflame.

Their other big problem is that they have one of the worst drummers, and drum tones, in metal.

I personally think that "Children of the Harvest," the penultimate track on Spirit the Earth Aflame, is one of their best. I won't claim that each of their songs is equally as powerful and inspiring as the rest; but I think that their albums are generally well-composed and far from boring.

I'll agree with you about the tone and talent of their drummer, but as far as how well he fits with that band, I don't think you could get any better. He complements the tribal element so well, and although he may not be the most technical it doesn't really matter.
I have "The Gathering Wilderness" and I can't get into it at all. What should I do? It just bores me to tears. Is it worth putting in effort?
Absolutely. I used to not understand what made them so special, but now they're easily one of my favorite metal bands.

Nemtheanga is one of the best metal vocalists, one of the best metal lyricists, and the band as a whole is incredible at what they do (crafting epic yet never heavy handed metal!)
Primordial is boring.

Prometheus is the best Emperor album, baring Ihsahn's solo work.

Once Was Not rivals None So Vile.

New wave of thrash sucks.

Torture is the best thrash band ever.

Metallica is horrendous, so is Anthrax, and Slayer is horribly inconsistent.
Prometheus is the best Emperor album, baring Ihsahn's solo work.

He's not talking about the lead guitar.

Well, taking what he said literally, one could see why I assumed he was talking about his guitar leads. It is incorrect to lump Emperor in with Peccatum and Ihsahn; Emperor was a collaborative effort, the other two were basically solo projects.
how is emperor third rate? serious question. who is first and second rate?

I don't feel like making a list but Burzum, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Immortal, Ulver, Aeternus, and even some bands outside the "Black Circle" have better albums than Emperor. In the Nightside Eclipse is their only full length worth a damn and is overrated as it is.
The song "Opus A Satana" alone is better than anything by Mayhem and Immortal, and that song is nothing but useless filler. Ulver is the only band on that list that I would put ahead of Emperor, which isn't really a fair comparison, because I'm taking latter-day non-metal Ulver into account as well.
The song "Opus A Satana" alone is better than anything by Mayhem and Immortal, and that song is nothing but useless filler. Ulver is the only band on that list that I would put ahead of Emperor, which isn't really a fair comparison, because I'm taking latter-day non-metal Ulver into account as well.

I was going to point out that 'Opus A Satana' isn't even part of the original release of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and that the album is a complete disoriented mess after the third track or so. Then I read the latter half of your post and realized how bad your taste actually was so I didn't feel the need to expand on how shitty Anthems... is. Almost makes the album seem like it has some musical worth.
I don't feel like making a list but Burzum, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Immortal, Ulver, Aeternus, and even some bands outside the "Black Circle" have better albums than Emperor. In the Nightside Eclipse is their only full length worth a damn and is overrated as it is.

Which Darkthrone, Mayhem or Gorgoroth albums do you find better than all of Emperor's output? Purely out of curiosity, because I've never enjoyed an entire album from any of those bands.

I was going to point out that 'Opus A Satana' isn't even part of the original release of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and that the album is a complete disoriented mess after the third track or so. Then I read the latter half of your post and realized how bad your taste actually was so I didn't feel the need to expand on how shitty Anthems... is. Almost makes the album seem like it has some musical worth.

How on earth is With Strength I Burn a disorientated mess? Or Acclamation of Bonds or The Loss and Curse of Reverence for that matter? None of them have classic BM structure admittedly (the same riff for 5 minutes with a bridge for 30 seconds at some point in the case of Darkthrone), but unorthodox song structure has always been one of the main tenets of metal so I'm gonna assume it's not that that offends you.

And how did the latter half of that dude's post say anything about his musical taste hahaha? As far as I can tell he just said "comparing electronic music to 90s black metal is a silly comparison," which it obviously is.
I was going to point out that 'Opus A Satana' isn't even part of the original release of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and that the album is a complete disoriented mess after the third track or so. Then I read the latter half of your post and realized how bad your taste actually was so I didn't feel the need to expand on how shitty Anthems... is. Almost makes the album seem like it has some musical worth.

We always come back to this same conversation, and the same thing is always reaffirmed. That you're a colossal faggot and the rest of us are awesome.