Controversial opinions on metal

And how did the latter half of that dude's post say anything about his musical taste hahaha? As far as I can tell he just said "comparing electronic music to 90s black metal is a silly comparison," which it obviously is.

Yeah well, unless I read it wrong (since it was very poorly worded), I interpreted his post as saying that he prefers that atrocious electronic shit that they put out over Emperor, hence why I said he had bad taste.
Yeah well, unless I read it wrong (since it was very poorly worded), I interpreted his post as saying that he prefers that atrocious electronic shit that they put out over Emperor, hence why I said he had bad taste.

Ah fair play, didn't read it that way.

I'm kinda partial to one or two songs off each of the newer Ulver albums, but I think they're pretty fucking overrated in general.
And you used to have the cover to Anthems as your profile picture, so quit trying to act like you agree.

Tbh that means nothing. I don't think Hammerheart is particularly great as an album, but it has an awesome cover and my favorite song of all time, so whatever.
I'm still just busting balls man. I'm tired of the Anthems/ Emperor argument; it just keeps coming around, and everyone says the same damn thing. "Gay, faggotry, worst of the Norwegian black metal bands."

I think that Anthems is a fine, coherent record, and "With Strength I Burn" is one of Emperor's best songs; definitely not part of a meandering album.
In The Nightside Eclipse is a spotless 10/10, it has an atmosphere which I doubt even the members could control when writing it, it's something which just happens on a subconscious level.
I have never gotten into Anthems To The Welkin At Dust, and I probably never will. To me it always feels like a forced Nightside, as if they wanted to sound the same, but instead of the music coming naturally, they pushed everything in there and just made a disjointed mess of it.
IX Equilibrium and Prometheus I like. They're nowhere near Nightside of course, but unlike Anthems they stand on their own legs as interesting quirky, albeit a bit random, albums. They're very hit and miss, but both are worth getting yourself into if you have some spare time on your hands.
Which Darkthrone, Mayhem or Gorgoroth albums do you find better than all of Emperor's output? Purely out of curiosity, because I've never enjoyed an entire album from any of those bands.

Do you listen to any black metal that isn't symphonic?

Darkthrone's first four black metal albums quite easily put In the Nightside Eclipse to shame.

Gorgoroth's Pentagram is only beaten by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss in terms of Norwegian black metal (and even then, there are times when I feel like I prefer it). They truly perfected every aspect that makes black metal great on that album.

Do I really need to explain the brilliance of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas? They influenced a legion of Norway's greats while still somehow being atypical of black metal.
Yeah, or discussing and/or making threads about really shitty modern bands that I either don't like or have no interest in hearing. I'd take the Emperor discussion over that any day.
I didn't feel like typing this in detail at first, but anyway. Nightside is a decent album, it has some good songs (I am the Black Wizards), but it's not something I listen to on a regular basis. It's the only Emperor I bother with though- I disliked all their stuff from Anthems and beyond. (although some of Ishahn's solo stuff is alright I guess). Ulver's Bergtatt is still my favorite of the Norwegian BM albums and the only one I really listen to.

To be honest I much prefer listening to U.S. black metal instead of Norwegian (Weakling, Wolves in the throne room, early Agalloch) which would probably be a controversial position in and of itself.
Do you listen to any black metal that isn't symphonic?

Darkthrone's first four black metal albums quite easily put In the Nightside Eclipse to shame.

Gorgoroth's Pentagram is only beaten by Hvis Lyset Tar Oss in terms of Norwegian black metal (and even then, there are times when I feel like I prefer it). They truly perfected every aspect that makes black metal great on that album.

Do I really need to explain the brilliance of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas? They influenced a legion of Norway's greats while still somehow being atypical of black metal.

Yeah, Emperor is the only symphonic BM band I listen to tbh because they are one of the few that know where a synth should lie in the sound.

I think Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is a fairly excellent album, although mainly for the opener and the closer, the rest is too repetitive for me. I appreciate droning atmosphere if it's done well, but in my opinion Varg overstays his welcome, so as to speak.

Pentagram bores the tits off me, as does De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Fair enough that they influenced a whole legion of other records, but so did Venom's "Black Metal" and I find that pretty intolerable too. I guess I'm just not a fan of the old school punk-esque vibe a lot of the early black metal had going on. The only early Darkthrone album I have dedicated proper time to is Transilvanian Hunger; the first and last song are again excellent, but the rest causes me to lose interest extremely quickly.