Controversial opinions on metal

^^ I agree,Bloodbath are just so mediocre imo,actually I can't stand Mikael Akerfeldt and doubt very much whether i'd ever really be able to enjoy anything he's involved in.Bloodbath were always gimmicky even when their first ep came out.

Yeah, this is uninspired generic Swedish death metal with a metalcore-esque production job.
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Maybe you should look into some of the bands that are actually considered good in this decade before you stick with that opinion. I used to love Bloodbath until I realized that Dead Congregation, Necros Christos, DeathevokatioN, Funebrarum, Ignivomous, Slugathor, Arghoslent, etc. put them to shame and highlighted their genericism.

Seriously. Even if you stick to Sweden you have Tribulation, Repugnant, Kaamos, Karnarium, Miasmal, Necrovation, Serpent Obscene, Revolting, Maim, Festered, Tormented.

I could keep going, but my point is the same as Lateralus. How in the world can you think Bloodbath is the best of the last decade??
lol you post fuckin Cry My Name in an attempt to make them look bad? phail

i like these better than Eaten

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Bloodbath has an extremely sterile sound, like a computer made the music.

this. and even if the sound was great it'd still be (intentionally) generic 3/5 kinda stuff at best, so we've got to assume that it's BECAUSE of the nasty overproduced sound (and of course the band members) that people like them. and that's pretty worrying.
"Unblessing the Purity" is damn good. Fast, agressive, technical, even melodic undertunes. And even with the "overdone" production it sounds as evil and pure death metal as anything. On the other side, im not a big fan of "Resurrection Through Carnage" at all. So I can understand how someone can find that album boring at times (still not a bad album).

But I dont give a shit if the production sounds like "Sons of Fenris" or "Soilwork". It sounds fucking killer, end of story.
i actually think the evilness of the riffs sounds pretty manufactured too, they sound like a bunch of nice guys having fun trying to sound evil, there's no genuine menace there. but tbh if you think you can just disregard production like that then we have nothing to say to each other; production can suck the life out of the greatest of songs, and it can coax out magic you'd never guess was there based on a flatter recording.
Can also be true in many cases, but when im listening to Bloodbath I want the high productive Bloodbath sound. When im listening to fucking black metal, then the production matters much more to create the atmospheric parts. When it comes down to death metal I just want it too sound agressive and brutal (among other things of course), and I dont give a shit if its a fucking christian death metal band trying to sound evil.
Wow, they are controversial indeed. Can't say I love them or all of their stuff, but I get back to their albums from time to time and their live DVD is really fun. I'm still trying to get their "Unblessing the Purity" EP, it's good material.

RTC and NMF are fun albums, some of the songs are truly epic.
Are you talking about that specific album or the band as a whole? I thought Accumulus was great.

just that album, but I haven't heard any of their others. I really like Revelation, so I should like Against Nature. Dodens was pretty incensed by my post and decided to send a bunch of mp3s my way to rectify my thinking :p
Can also be true in many cases, but when im listening to Bloodbath I want the high productive Bloodbath sound. When im listening to fucking black metal, then the production matters much more to create the atmospheric parts. When it comes down to death metal I just want it too sound agressive and brutal (among other things of course), and I dont give a shit if its a fucking christian death metal band trying to sound evil.

my point is they don't sound aggressive or brutal or evil, they sound like pretenders and their version of aggression/brutality/evilness is unconvincing and trite and superficial. furthermore the sterile sound makes them sound mechanical and lifeless, which further saps away all of those elements.
just that album, but I haven't heard any of their others. I really like Revelation, so I should like Against Nature. Dodens was pretty incensed by my post and decided to send a bunch of mp3s my way to rectify my thinking :p

older Against Nature is doom-ier..newer stuff is awesome but he's in his blues/prog rock thing which I dig the fuck out of in Drawing Arrows.
i actually think the evilness of the riffs sounds pretty manufactured too, they sound like a bunch of nice guys having fun trying to sound evil, there's no genuine menace there.

a lot of the guys who play death metal are really cool. you wanna see a bunch of murderers up there playing?