Controversial opinions on metal

I'd say Bloods In Our Wells is Drudkh's best.

As for Negura Bunget, I'm starting to lean more and more towards N Crugu Bradului. I'd usually say Om but some of the tracks on it are sorta filler-ish.
A couple of nights ago I started enjoying Mastodon's Crack the Skye after previously having dismissed it as a piece of complete's still not a groundbreaking album, but enjoyable nonetheless
My only complaint for Blood In Our Wells is that the little folky intros aren't long enough. I could listen to that little fiddle noodling in the beginning of Eternity for....eternity. :D

Oh yeah, and Heaven And Hell is Black Sabbath's best album. Not sure how controversial that is, at least on this forum.
i find it funny that omni and dodens are drudkh fans

Some of these require clicking on the thread to understand the context.

1. Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
2. Countess - Heilig Vuur

Eh? The first four are absolutely brilliant, but Naglfar and Moonsorrow belong in a very different list.

Mastodon is gay.

Anywho, here are my personal favourites. Note that this changes all the time...

20. Drudkh - Autumn Aurora

The Shadow Order

I recommend the following. You will surely find something here that you like:
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora (an elegant naturalist piece that's been getting credit from everywhere just recently)

LilFag said:
Anyway, these aren't all 'new' as such, but these bands have released top quality material in the last few years.

Deathspell Omega
The Shadow Order

Super-naturalist Burzum-tinged black metal, with very rich, sweet, colourful melodies, and long, epic tracks. "Forgotten Legends" is also recommended.

Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Though not quite up to the standards of their debut, this is a refreshingly mellifluous piece of Burzum-derived naturalist BM. 8/10


I probably haven't even listened to the band in at least three years though and haven't heard anything outside of the first two and Blood in our Wells, though I would assume that I would still enjoy it.
Iron Maiden is very overrated.
Judas Priest's Jugulator and Demolition were decent albums.
Tim Owens is better than Matt Barlow.
Anthrax is a joke.
Iron Maiden is very overrated.
Judas Priest's Jugulator and Demolion were decent albums.
Tim Owens is better than Matt Barlow.
Anthrax is a joke.

I'd modify the first statement to say "Iron Maiden's importance is very overstated beyond sheer sales-influence". Otherwise, these are unquestionable facts.
Graves era Misfits was just as good as Danzig era Misfits
Rob Halford's band "Two" was great.
Metallica was never that great.
Rob Trujilio is Metallica's best bassist.
Hell Awaits is better than Reign In Blood.
Enemy of God is Kreator's best album.
Tempo Of The Damned is Exodus's best album.
Rob Dukes is a good vocalist.
Soulfly is decent.
Rob Trujilio is Metallica's best bassist.
Hell Awaits is better than Reign In Blood.
Enemy of God is Kreator's best album.
1. Cliff Burton was Metallica's best bassist

2. Reign in Blood rapes any Slayer Album.

3. Extreme Aggression is Kreator's best album.
Rob Trujilio is Metallica's best bassist.
Tempo Of The Damned is Exodus's best album.

Rob is probably the most technicaly accomplished player Metallica ever had. But after that its down to personal preference I guess.

"Tempo" might very well be the best Exodus album. I was never impressed with "bonded by blood" for instance.

I'd say Bloods In Our Wells is Drudkh's best.

Technicality is unimportant. Cliff made a far greater contribution to the band than any of their other bassists. This isn't even up for discussion.

Enemy of God is good but Extreme Aggression is better, although it's definitely apples to oranges a bit.

Also, is disliking Anthrax even controversial? I thought we all agreed they're just not a good band.