Controversial opinions on metal

I like Belladonna-Anthrax quite a bit. They are a little uneven but man when they are good they are really good. I love Among the Living.


I can't get into any of the Anthrax-albums. And yeah, that particular Kafir-song came onto my mind right after posting. One memorable song, okey.
Album release date doesn't mean everything, especially with Exodus where most of Bonded By Blood has been written by the time of Show No Mercy's release, as well as a decent portion of Pleasures of the Flesh in 1985. Metallica had two albums out by then (one of which has two revived Exodus songs from 1982/early 1983) but Exodus at the time doesn't sound much like them.

Pleasures didn't break any new ground, yeah, but neither did the releases of the second-tier bands you listed. Death Angel, Overkill, Protector, and Sacrifice are blatantly obvious examples of unoriginal mid-80's releases.

Metallica, yes. Slayer, sort of. Megadeth too. Which others?

Death Angel was around and could arguably have released The Ultra-Violence a year earlier with more exposure, the same for Coroner, Destruction, Artillery, etc. These bands formed in 82 (excluding Coroner), but it's not like they all were getting Exodus/Metallica demos/albums and then writing material.
Death Angel was around and could arguably have released The Ultra-Violence a year earlier with more exposure, the same for Coroner, Destruction, Artillery, etc. These bands formed in 82 (excluding Coroner), but it's not like they all were getting Exodus/Metallica demos/albums and then writing material.

But Exodus (along with Metallica and Slayer) had the demos and/or live recordings to prove their early significance to thrash. Coroner's first release was a Celtic Frost-y demo in 1986, Destruction doesn't have anything earlier than 1984, and while Death Angel did release a demo in 1983, just compare it with what Exodus was doing at the same time:


And if anyone was coming across Metallica/Exodus bootlegs in the early 80's, it was the many Bay Area bands that spawned immediately after. Admittedly Venom is the most important of all which is what can be heard in the early recordings of bands like Sodom, but Metallica, Exodus, and Slayer fully embraced and developed thrash into its definitive form. No others really come close.
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Also when you get the guys from Slayer saying that what they aimed for was to play a show a intense as an Exodus show, that's saying something about Exodus.
Can't we just agree on Anthrax sucking?


IMO Exodus should've replaced Anthrax in the big four.

If we consider the big four are all American bands, and probably should always be, Exodus deserve to be the fourth member of the club. BBB is awesome, Fabulous Disaster kicks ass, Tempo of the Damned and Atrocity Exhibition A are pretty good.

Also, Gary Holt is a Thrash monster, his riffs are insane.

Akercocke sucks.

Yeah, they suck balls.
For fuck's sake, the big four were/are the big four because they were the most popular thrash bands at the time. All this moaning about who should have been included is pointless and stupid because it will never change the fact that those four bands were the most popular bands in thrash at the time. Anthrax were huge at the time and rode the wave with a steady stream of decent albums. Exodus were around at the right time but weren't as popular for whatever reason. All the other bands mentioned either came later or were European and/or were more extreme.

So please SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OVER IT. Anthrax are and will always be part of the big four.