Controversial opinions on metal

Ah, I should check their other stuff out. Maybe it would change my understanding. I mean, to me The Mantle has no chance, at most it is like Damnation by Opeth, not a metal album. But maybe I should take back what I said about Agalloch not being a metal band. Yes? No? Thoughts?
ashes against the grain isn't metal either. agalloch is one of the most boring bands in the world. i can't stand it when people somehow relate them to black metal. has the world gone insane?
agalloch is one of the most boring bands in the world.

Replace Agalloch with Graveland in this sentence, add more descriptive words, and you have my reply to this statement as well as an opinion about metal that is most likely controversial.

Oh, and The Mantle is way more folk music than it is post-rock. It's still hardly metal.
Yep, 'cause melody is all that matters and all we listen to is In Flames.
This is retarded for multiple reasons.
A)Melody is extremely important to any form of music
B)In Flames haven't had a significant amount of melody for about 10 years
Wait a minute,why do some people refer to blastbeats and speed in general as equal to heavy? Speed equals light to me. Is it just me or dont you define heaviness as slow/midpace hammering? The rise of the slow but oh so mighty titan? To Live Is To Die and not some fucking Decripit Birth stuff,and so on and etc etc.
I agree with this. However, blast beats can lead to intense brutality.
I see what SouthernTrendkill is talking about in general. Way back when I was a kid, Metallica sounded like noise to me, since I was used to stuff like Guns n Roses, Poison, Bon Jovi, etc. Then I got into thrash, and some of the less melodic death metal bands of the time sounded like noise to me and astonished me with their heaviness. When I was listening to old school death metal, brutal death sounded like super heavy noise to me, as I discovered bands of this style. Even up until somewhat recently, the heaviest, most chaotic, purely rhythmic brutal death/slam sounded very noisy to me and I found it incredibly heavy. But now there is no metal that sounds like noise to me or shocks me with its heaviness. However, I certainly don't think that the heaviest bands aren't heavy.
I notice we're sort of talking about Agalloch, so i'll throw in my shout:

Don't like 'em. I find them boring.... actually I like a couple of their songs, but I can't listen to a whole album without desperately wanting to be doing something else.
haha, i totally forgot about that. no wonder it was all of a sudden some graveland bashing. sometimes i hate the haters
I notice we're sort of talking about Agalloch, so i'll throw in my shout:

Don't like 'em. I find them boring.... actually I like a couple of their songs, but I can't listen to a whole album without desperately wanting to be doing something else.

one time i bombed myself because they wouldn't end a song
This is a thread for opinions. Deal with it. I find Graveland boring. I never said Graveland was bad, so get over it already.
i was never not over it? are you talking to me?

i can see how he could be boring. he just don't bore me so whatever
I was talking about how like 5 people came and were like, "Graveland is really good," after I posted that. It was to nobody in specific.