Controversial opinions on metal

Not a fan of Estrangement no, its not awful though but was the second misstep they made (first being The Swan Road, and I won't judge them for Songs of Grief and Solitude being that it is a folk album and that was always intended to be)

They have been slowly drifting away from metal, and into music that simply has distortion. With Handful of Stars I think this is quite obvious that this is the case.
Yeah, but just because they drifted away from metal doesnt mean their music is garbage or its just "music that simply has distortion". Ill use an example from Handful of Stars which is their least distorted album.

Also, Estrangement a misstep? No fucking way. I can agree with Swan Road being a misstep, but not Estrangement. Its so fucking solid.

How is this a misstep?:

Or even this?!?:
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Anything with -core at the end of the genre name is pure shit. Everything after ...And Justice for All is pure shit, Stryper is pure shit
Not a fan of Estrangement no, its not awful though but was the second misstep they made (first being The Swan Road, and I won't judge them for Songs of Grief and Solitude being that it is a folk album and that was always intended to be)

They have been slowly drifting away from metal, and into music that simply has distortion. With Handful of Stars I think this is quite obvious that this is the case.

Totally unrelated, but what anime is the girl from in your picture?
Post Blood in Our Wells Drudkh isn't bad. It's just fucking boring.

Only BiOW and Autumn Aurora are really good though.
The new album I mean.

The album was good but not as great as everyone seems to be making it out to be. You have a point though if it didn't have the Carcass logo on it I probably wouldn't even care in the first place. Whatever it was still a good album though.
Heartwork is such a boring album, and a great example of how "melodic death metal" as a sub-sub-genre or any kind of distinct movement is not a real thing.
Heartwork is such a boring album, and a great example of how "melodic death metal" as a sub-sub-genre or any kind of distinct movement is not a real thing.

Heartwork does become a little boring a few songs into it but I still think it's a pretty good album. It's not the greatest melodeath ever but it's certainly worth a listen or two. And what the hell do you mean by "not real"?

Edit: On an unrelated note I don't really see why people even give a fuck about Nails at all. I see them as just another face in the crowd of grind/powerviolence bands with nothing even remotely original or interesting at all to offer. The same riffs, different bands. Their appeal is how "intense" and "aggressive" they supposedly are, when there's about a million and a half bands that sound almost identical to them.
Melodic Death Metal is obviously a sub-genre, it is a melodic, catchy, and oversimplified (in most cases) version of death metal. Only similarities to regular death metal I hear are in the drumming and vocals, everything that is labeled as something exists just get use to it. I cant stand the high pitched screaming in much of melodeath, sounds absolutely horrid, which is kind of ironic considering I like grindcore.

Do black/death metal, death/doom, atmospheric black metal, etc also not count as sub-genres?
Heartwork does become a little boring a few songs into it but I still think it's a pretty good album. It's not the greatest melodeath ever but it's certainly worth a listen or two. And what the hell do you mean by "not real"?

Edit: On an unrelated note I don't really see why people even give a fuck about Nails at all. I see them as just another face in the crowd of grind/powerviolence bands with nothing even remotely original or interesting at all to offer. The same riffs, different bands. Their appeal is how "intense" and "aggressive" they supposedly are, when there's about a million and a half bands that sound almost identical to them.

Well lets see here, they're not original but they're certainly still one of the leading bands in the genre, what I think you're getting at is most grindcore sounds incredibly similar, which is true but if two bands that sound similar have a sound I like, I most likely will listen to both.

I mean people think they're aggressive and intense, as do I, and I enjoy listening to them as well as many other grindcore bands.

I could even debate whether or not punk in general all sounds the same but fuck it.
What the hell do people even mean when they say "melodic"; simply music played on the thinner strings?

A melody is just a succession of pitches which means that Onward to Golgotha is just as melodic as an In Flames album. The only time you can make a case for death metal not being Melodic is when melody is more subordinate to rythm, like with Suffocation or Gorguts.
And what the hell do you mean by "not real"?

Regarding how it can mean many things depending on how one wants to interpret it, but is credited as a distinct movement/sound when it's basically just one kind of riff (and one more derived from thrash than anything) repeated over and over. I've seen Swansong referred to as 90's Megadeth metal with raspy vocals, but tbh even Heartwork isn't far away from that. Only a few songs at most from that album even sound like melodeath in its current conception.

Melodic Death Metal is obviously a sub-genre, it is a melodic, catchy, and oversimplified (in most cases) version of death metal. Only similarities to regular death metal I hear are in the drumming and vocals, everything that is labeled as something exists just get use to it. I cant stand the high pitched screaming in much of melodeath, sounds absolutely horrid, which is kind of ironic considering I like grindcore.

Do black/death metal, death/doom, atmospheric black metal, etc also not count as sub-genres?

As the term is currently and commonly used, it has little to do with death metal.
What the hell do people even mean when they say "melodic"; simply music played on the thinner strings?

A melody is just a succession of pitches which means that Onward to Golgotha is just as melodic as an In Flames album. The only time you can make a case for death metal not being Melodic is when melody is more subordinate to rythm, like with Suffocation or Gorguts.

Words can have more than one meaning....

Really what it means is melodeath is more centered around the "music" and "melody" than being dark, brutal, etc, so its more straightforward and simplistic, usually to the point where I think it sounds absolutely horrible.

Also most of the bands substitute higher pitched vocals for the low growls, and also when they're doing lower growls in most melodeath its easy/easier to understand what the vocalist is saying, so the entire point really of melodeath is to be more accessible to the non-metal listener. This is why pretty much everyone who gets into metal these days starts at modern metalcore, deathcore, melodic death metal, pretty much anything that is currently "in".

I just recently went to Broken Hope's page, and it seems they get pretty poor reviews, I was wondering what do people around here think of em? I personally really like them, I kinda figured them for a better Cannibal Corpse, its not like they're drastically different, same concept on their old albums, brutal, mid paced death metal with gory lyrics.