Controversial opinions on metal

There are some very good albums on that list but I'm afraid none of them are better to the degree that you're implying they are. Perhaps if you provided reasonable and legitimate criticism against the actual music on DMDS then maybe your opinion would seem more credible.

Alright ill give it a shot.

The vocals are the worst part of the album, they're trying to be "kvlt" as in intentionally sounding horrible.

The guitar riffs themselves are overly-simplified almost as far as your modern teenage metalcore/deathcore band usually keeping the same boring fairly repetitive mid-pace, and I don't find them interesting or pleasurable to listen to in the slightest.

The production is pretty standard black metal, nothing special, definitely doesn't help the music seem better or worse.

The way I personally see things in the music world is the more simplified the music is and the more marketable the image of the artist is the more popular it becomes, Mayhem is a great example of this.
DMDS is mid-paced, repetitive, and simplified and Ceremony of Opposites isn't? Come on bro. DMDS has riffs that sound like a fucking black metal Coroner or something. How is it a slow album?
DMDS is mid-paced, repetitive, and simplified and Ceremony of Opposites isn't? Come on bro. DMDS has riffs that sound like a fucking black metal Coroner or something. How is it a slow album?

Ceremony is a completely different sounding album all together, why are you comparing the two albums?
Hah true, but I would think its clear I mostly hate Mayhem because of reasons mostly not concerning the music lol
4:55 onwards.... I cry and hold up my lighter every time.

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Immortal, Darkthrone, Burzum, Enslaved, Bathory and Emperor are on par with it.

Mayhem can't hold a candle to any of those band's best works. I would add the masterworks by Mutiilation, Deathspell Omega, Dissection, Graveland, Drudkh, Velvet Cacoon (Genevieve), Gontyna Kry (Welowie), Nargaroth (Herbstleyd) and Nagelfar to that list. Even if I try and be generous to Mayhem I have a hard time making a case for putting their records above these artists' best records. And there's probably others if I really think about it.
Immortal, Darkthrone, Burzum, Enslaved, Bathory and Emperor are on par with it.

I said outdid, not on par ;) After all, saying that Mayhem is only TIED for first place still makes them kinda...a good band.

Some days I'll like Pure Holocaust, or a Bathory album, or maybe Hvis Lyset Tar Oss a little more than DMDS...but somehow I don't see how that makes them "garbage".

I haven't taken the time to listen to Velvet Cacoon. I probably should just to see for myself. But the opinions I've heard aren't exactly flattering.

It has a strange ambience to it. Granted, if you played a Velvet Cacoon musical score, there pretty much wouldn't be a single memorable part, but the ambience is really nice in parts.

Somehow I'm not seeing a top 20 black metal album of all time from what I just described...

I haven't taken the time to listen to Velvet Cacoon. I probably should just to see for myself. But the opinions I've heard aren't exactly flattering.

Check it out. A lot of people write it off for factors extraneous to the music itself. Also most people who don't like the record probably listened to it one time 10 years ago while already coming in with preconceived notions.

Musically it's a very unique album. It's very naturalistic sounding record, with melodies that recall nonorganic natural vibrational patterns (i.e. tides, waves, wind). While many artists capture these sounds, they're almost always flavored with distinctly human emotions and sentimentality (the classic example is Beethoven's 6th, but a black metal example would be Drudkh's Autumn Aurora). Save a few moments of the track "Flora and Fauna" Genevieve is totally cold blooded. There's a sense of catharsis, perhaps even a predatory quality to some of the riffs, but no sentimentality, no anger, no sadness, no joy... none of those ordinary human emotions that color 99% of music, black metal or otherwise. It's about as close as you can get to abstracting the human dimension for music while still maintaining melody.

So when people say it's "just nice ambient" they obviously missed the point of the record. It's like criticizing Filosofem for being repetitive or Strength and Anger for being too minimal and raw. Perhaps that's not some people's cup of tea, but I usually try and judge art by first asking: What is this work of art trying to express? and then asking: How well as this work of art expressed what it aimed to express? Judged by that standard Genevieve is a masterwork, because it expresses something that is extremely difficult to express.
I can dress up my favorite albums in pretty words too.


Dress up? It's called articulating your point of view. It's what people do when they are trying to communicate to others difficult concepts or experiences. My point is to try and articulate why I think a record is great in a way that even those who might disagree with me could still understand. You might want to try it sometime, because so far you seem like a typical sheep who gobbles up whatever is the status quo for black metal and then regurgitates it back out without even thinking about what's coming out of his mouth.
You might want to try it sometime, because so far you seem like a typical sheep who gobbles up whatever is the status quo for black metal and then regurgitates it back out without even thinking about what's coming out of his mouth.

Warning: many logical fallacies were used in the making of this post.
Disliking DMDS = disliking black metal. Which is ok. Doesn't make your opinion very valuable to black metal listeners, but whatever.

False dilemma.

Name a black metal band that outdid DMDS. There are a couple "acceptable" answers, but I'm likely to just end up laughing.

Appeal to popularity.

Given some of the other ridiculous things you're known for stating over and over, pardon me if I simply don't care.

Red herring.

Now shut up son and go back to your room.