Controversial opinions on metal

Edit: Also, Killers is one of IM's top 3 albums for sure, to state otherwise is to profoundly err and expose a systematic misunderstanding of heavy metal.

tbh I could accept a position as low as fifth, provided all above were also in the 80-84 period. Otherwise, absolutely.
I love everything DsO has done. Bite me.

Same here, though I'm pretty ok with people hating on post-SMRC stuff, because the appeal of Fas/etc. is vastly different than traditional metal. To the point that I don't include post-SMRC DsO in favorites-of-metal/black-metal/etc. lists because it's like apples and oranges.
I've always felt they are a very talented band who just can't seem to write that great of songs. Underachievers for sure.

I agree. I was listening to the tracks from the newest album and as per uze, I found myself going "Well it's not baaad, but there is just something missing.
Mortuus was a great replacement and he's better than Legion. To me older Marduk = newer Marduk.

Mortuus isn't as great as legion was live, and hearing him trying to sing Legion's songs just sounds awkward to me. Their styles are so different its kind of hard to compare them really. But I actually really like both though. It's just that Legion had so much stage presence and I just like his style a little more. Overall Marduk has been good for a long time.
I love everything DsO has done. Bite me.

Yeah, they've released great albums for sure, I like all of their stuff. Don't get the hate at all.

Marduk became far better than ever before when Mortuus joined.

Agreed, I consider them a better band now, especially live. Mortuus' performance is always damn good. BTW the new EP is fucking great, can't wait for the new album.
Yeah, they've released great albums for sure, I like all of their stuff. Don't get the hate at all.

Oh I get the hate. The early stuff is Darkthrone worship and the new stuff is convoluted wankery that takes itself too seriously thematically. Well for some reason I like it anyway.
Morbid Angel's Domination was an awesome album. Dave's vocals were the best here.

Steve Tucker is a better vocalist than Dave Vincent.

I don't care for Altars of Madness.