Controversial opinions on metal

Id say Sodom and Kreator are both better bands than Destruction.

Persecution Mania, Agent Orange, Pleasure to Kill and Terrible Certainty are all better albums than Eternal Devastation.

But Infernal Overkill is their best and you didn't take that into consideration :)
I'll upcontroversial you: Eternal Devastation is better than a hypothetical best-of containing the seven best songs of the entire discographies of Sodom and Kreator combined. Easily, easily, easily, the greatest German thrash band. Sifringer was a master of riffcraft, Schmier had one of the most unique voices in the genre, and once Wilkens joined they became one of the early tech-thrash greats. 90% of everything after Cracked Brain is garbage, but their 84-90 period negates any future failures.

Boo!! Not even close. How can you compare Eternal Devastation to Kreator's early albums? Don't get me wrong though, i'm a huge Destruction fan.
I just dont like Kreator or Sodom. I'm not that big on thrash in general though... so maybe Destruction's early stuff isnt straight up thrash as them.

This new wave of old school styled death metal is really probably my favorite thing to happen in metal for a while. To hear these young guys playing swedish death or immolation/incanation type death with their own spin on it doesnt bother me one bit. I liked the originals, why shouldnt I like the new? Sure there's crap, I'm looking at you Vasaleth, but the spirit they're carrying on outweighs the bad by far.

There's also something to be said about new bands releasing old school sounding stuff and being criticized for it for being uninspired/whatever, but when an old band comes back and their sound isnt the same, we hate that too.
Kreator is just rehashed slayer riffs without the originality or songwriting that slayer had. Agent Orange is a great cd.
People who don't like Vasaeleth are idiots. Especially people who also like slam.

Would you piss off with the brutal death metal comments? I guess you dont have anything better to say but I dont listen to much and sold all the slam albums I had minus like 4 to GreyRain a while back because I wanted rid of them.
Would you piss off with the brutal death metal comments? I guess you dont have anything better to say but I dont listen to much and sold all the slam albums I had minus like 4 to GreyRain a while back because I wanted rid of them.

u mad bro? i was just lyk offering my controversial opinions lyk every1 else.
Kreator is just rehashed slayer riffs without the originality or songwriting that slayer had. Agent Orange is a great cd.

Kreator worshiped Slayer too, but they were undeniably one of the major early forces in pushing extremity in thrash. Their first two albums don't need very much "good" songwriting to be great albums. Sodom similarly has In the Sign of Evil and Obsessed By Cruelty, but they rapidly descended into the spineless and safe. Not that Kreator didn't, of course, but Agent Orange is indefensible.
Sodom similarly has In the Sign of Evil and Obsessed By Cruelty, but they rapidly descended into the spineless and safe.

really?? Are you forgetting that Destruction was the band that released The Least Successful Human Cannonball ... and what about most of their garbage from the last ten years?

Sodom have a very solid discography, and as far as im concerned, have always been making better albums than Destruction, wether it be the 80's, 90's or for the past 10 years, all the way up to their albums this year .... everything outside Destruction's first two ranges from okay to just plain bad.

Only Sodom albums that aren't up to par with the rest of their work are Get What You Deserve and Masquerade in Blood.
I'm a huge Dio fan, but Dio singing Ozzy-era Sabbath songs has always sounded really awkward. Well, a less bluesy song like "Children of the Grave" works because it fits Dio's knightly voice, but he could never really pull of songs like "War Pigs" in the slightest.
The only truly exceptional material Dio has ever been involved in was Rainbow, and more specifically Rising, with bits and pieces from the other two Rainbow albums. Dehumanizer is the best album he did with Black Sabbath. And regardless of the surprisingly minimal amount of essential material he was involved in, he was still easily one of the greatest voices in the history of heavy music and very frequently made average material great by himself.

Also, don't waste your time debating shit with HamburgerBoy.