Converting New Fans


He who goes without pants
Feb 9, 2005
At another message board that I frequent, there was a post asking for music recommendations. This subject comes up pretty frequently, and I almost always chime in telling people how good Opeth are. I don't think anyone has ever even responded to me (unless they were already a fan and were seconding my recommendation) -- until tonight. I came home to find that the author of the thread had posted this in reply to me:

I also checked out Opeth, they are one hellofa hardcore band, they got some interesting stuff, I'll definitely look into more music from them, their Drapery Falls song was pretty kickass too.

Ok, I said that Opeth seemed to be a sort of hardcore group to me, but I was wrong, they F&*KING ROCK!!!!, god their music is awesome, they mix the sounds of all their instruments sooo well, I love it!!!!

That put a huge freaking smile on my face. This was the first time I have ever gotten that sort of reaction. It really made my day to share something that I love with someone else and have them love it too.

I'm sure many of you have similar stories to tell. Do you feel really good when you share Opeth with someone and they *get it*?
It doesn't happen nearly as much anymore as it used to. Opeth are pretty big in the metal scene and people have already developed polarized opinions about them.

I spend more of my time, these days, trying to find out about new artists than I do whoring my own collection to others.
Yes, Opeth are very big in the metal scene. However, the metal scene isn't the only place to recruit fans from. I know a total of ZERO metalheads (in real life). The vast majority of people don't even know Opeth exists. I have never come across someone who knows who they are if I bring them up. I didn't listen to any metal at all before I got into Opeth, and I'm sure there are plenty others just like me.

Just because someone isn't into metal defintily does not mean they can't/won't like Opeth.
I have a friend who I occasionally talk with on AIM.. I asked him what kind of music he listened to, and he said "metal" and I was like.... what are your favorite bands? (A necessary question to ask someone who likes "metal") Of course, he replied with slipknot, tool, etc..

So anyway I said check out Opeth, and like a sheep he got a Bit-Torrent thing for opeth songs. I don't use bit-torrent and i dont know what those things are called so bear with me. Anyway eventually he bought the entire Opeth discography, and I also got him into many other metal bands.
I dunno alot of my friends that dont like metal, do actually like Opeth, like harry our singer, hes really into his damien rice n stuff( which is great his voice is immense) but because of the constant force of me listenin to opeth, i eventually caught him singin along to it. many of my friends from school like opeth too, and they all want to come with me to the london show as they all the seen the live dvd and are like ' awesome'. although i think that maybe i dont want opeth to be popular.
I haven't gotten anything more than a casual interest in the mellow side of Opeth out of my real life friends. The first time I listened to Damnation with my girlfriend, she said that they were really good, but she's really not into music as much as I am, and I can't fathom a girl like her enjoying extreme metal. She does however, work with a guy who likes Opeth.

Funny story, actually, and I wish it would happen to me. She was at work one day and he came in to pick up his paycheck... with an Opeth hoody on. She goes "COREY! COREY! (or whatever the kid's name is) YOU LISTEN TO OPETH?!" She said that his jaw literally dropped and he said something like "you know that Opeth is a band?!" I mean hell I would get excited if some grungy metalhead knew who Opeth were, but a cute little blonde girl who has no metal in her appearance whatsoever? How often does that happen?

Damn I need some Opeth merchandise to wear so random cute girls approach me about it. That would rock.
I've gotten 3 people into them...I even managed to convert a linkin park fan..and some guy who was like obsessed with death/black metal and I'm like hey do you like opeth? "who?" I'm like dude....opeth..and yeah he's in love now.
about 4 years ago it was my duty to convert people. I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of you here are indirectly (or directly!) a result of those times. I turned a good 50 or so people on to them from various message boards, and i like to think that they then spread the word. It's like a multi level marketing scheme, that i'm at the head of. I MAEK TEH MOST