cool idea..

ChildOfADown said:
@follow the reaper, if u can read, on the previous page, i wrote, that yes i got owned, i admited it. And if metal is the only type of music u like, thats sad. + wtf does my nick hav to do with anything? yours is not better at all. Its even sucky. Anybody can come up with that. Have u ever heard of creativity?

Seriously.. shut up.
I do not listen only to metal I dunno how you came up with this.
You say hilarous false things, that actually makes you a n00b.
And about creativity... I'm actually leading a band and I enjoy the music I make, and I'm not the only one, so I don't think I lack so many.
@followtheReaper: what did i say that was hilarously fasle? Everything (apart for the Vivaldi thing) was correct. So why the fuck are you calling me a noob? +, why the fuck is it halarious?
anyway, noob=new born, concerning music, ive done it all my life, so stfu.
ChildOfADown said:
@followtheReaper: what did i say that was hilarously fasle?

"Sinergy did an instrumental: Passage to the Reaper. I thing the original is a requiem from Bach (classical)"

ChildOfADown said:
So why the fuck are you calling me a noob? +, why the fuck is it halarious?

"Sinergy did an instrumental: Passage to the Reaper. I thing the original is a requiem from Bach (classical)" when it's just an instructional vid, and that's actually Vivaldi's Summer, makes it hilarous.

ChildOfADown said:
anyway, noob=new born, concerning music, ive done it all my life, so stfu.

I never said you were a noob concerning music, but maybe more concerning bodom, compared to many other dudes here...
By the way, I don't wan't to argue anymore, sorry if I have been a bit agressive, I was in a bad mood when I started quoting you.
But you gotta know you'll get flamed for saying things like that here ;)
Facts of life:
-Alexi and Roope played Vivaldi's Summer(the "Presto"-part of it).
-Classical music is good, but only if you like it.
-People, that aren't from America/British Isles/Australia/other country that has English as commonly spoken language, do learn English in schools(if you don't count developing countries or other similar places). At least i think so.
-COB could do very well a cover-cd. They just need to put their old covers together and probably make 1 or 2 new ones. How that kind of cd would succeed? No one knows.
-COB making instrumental stuff would sound a lot like Warmen, if...
>Alexi let Wirman do songs with him
>They would go back to the year 2001
-Blake's signature IS hilarious.

Enough already? I probably said nothing new, but I don't care.
@follow the reaper.: i said it was a cover because I have the song "passage to the reaper" on my mp3 player. K, we'll stop arguing. On fait la paix? a ciao.
@child of a down...


ChildOfADown said:
Sinergy did an instrumental: Passage to the Reaper. I thing the original is a requiem from Bach (classical). All songs (i think) concerning Salieri on the Warmen cds are actually covers of the composer, Salieri, who was one of Mozarts rivals. +, all the speeches (Confessions, Return Of Salieri) are from the film Amadeus (about Mozarts life). So their you go. A lot of Bodom songs are also inspired from classical stuff. I dont think bodom will do just instrumental, but they do some on side projects. Nevertheless, Alexei uses his voice as an instrument, and not as voice. So u could say that all bodom songs are instrumntal^^.

dont forget that instrumental called Pulsation
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
What about one song. Alexi couldn't hide weak stuff behind "fuck yeah fucking fuckers" lyrics, and it could bring back some amazing things ;)

Silent Night, Bodom Night is the closest to instrumental of their songs atm I think. But instrumental isn't what Bodom is about. I'd be happy with some songs that would have only little lyrics.