Creepy music

Originally posted by Monsterxman
Virgin Black is about as scary as Marillion Manson.
I'm willing to sell that double cd to anyone for $10?
I never said it was scary, I said it gives me the shivers. ;)
The walkman would obviously be a (Sony) Sportsman, which is waterproof and also in a plastic bag... gee whiz, do I need to spell everything out for you...


Univers Zero - "Heretic" - 70's progressive/rock-chamber music is pretty scary. Easily the darkest album I own.
hey mike!

well some creepy music would have to be Jandek.
it's this guy and it's the scariest shit ever.
he's got this song called "pending doom" and it's just some banging and a voice that keeps saying "pending doom..."
it's shitty music, but it's scary and makes you uncomfortable
An album called Macbeth by the Third Ear Band. They wrote the score and performed the soundtrack to Roman Polanski's film version of Macbeth. Instruments include the oboe, viola, recorder, drums, cello, bass, guitar, violin.

AMG quote "Although they were loosely affiliated with the British progressive rock scene of the late '60s and early '70s, Third Ear Band was in some ways more of an experimental ensemble performing contemporary compositional work. For one thing, they didn't use electric instruments, or even guitars, instead employing violin, viola, oboe, cello, and hand percussion. More important, they didn't play conventional rock "songs." They featured extended instrumental pieces that often built up from a drone, or hypnotic pattern, to a dense, raga-like crescendo. Their "progressive rock" tag probably arose because they recorded for Harvest Records, Britain's leading art rock label, which was home to Pink Floyd, Kevin Ayers, Pete Brown, Edgar Broughton, and many other progressive acts."

Their debut release Alchemy sounds interesting, but I have not had the chance to hear it yet.

AMG quote "Third Ear Band here makes excursions into improvised chamber music. In the opener, "Mosaic," which is at seven minutes one of the longest cuts, guitar meets recorder and violin in a disharmonic free jazz summit that fades away before building into a trancy mini-crescendo. On "Stone Circle," recorder lines interweave over an unadorned drum's repetitive rhythm. At times the recorder lines are so fluid and unnatural they sound like they're being played backwards — which indeed they just might be. Generally the remainder of the tracks run the course between half-structured improv and droning chaos. Comparisons could be drawn to Soft Machine or the Dream Syndicate, but neither quite has the sense of "collective first" nor the repetitive insistence of Third Ear Band."
From Britain.

Another album, Strategies Against Architecture II by Einstürzende Neubauten.

AMG quote "Along with Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle, Germany's Einstürzende Neubauten ("collapsing new buildings") helped pioneer industrial music with an avant-garde mix of white-noise guitar drones, vocals verging on unlistenable at times, and a clanging, rhythmic din produced by a percussion section consisting of construction materials, hand and power tools, and various metal objects."
From Germany.
Originally posted by Monsterxman
Want Scary!!!!
Try this - go swimming in the ocean with a Sony walkman, while playing the theme to JAWS... I find the further you get from land the scarier it gets.

Haha! Man, you'd have to be a total psycho to do that to yourself!
It's all depends on what 'does it' for you, I guess. A few suggestions would be anything from Cold Meat Industry (CMI), of which I'm waiting for 24 (yes 24!) CD's to rock up on my doorstep for my brother any day now. Thought I find bands like Arcana and Raison D'etre to be more hauntingly beautiful than creepy......

Also, Virgin Black, which has already been mentioned, and a band called Dargaard (Along the lined of Arcana and Raison D'etre).

The one/s that do it for me how ever would be La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors by Arcturus. Fu**in' INSANE stuff that!! :grin:
Originally posted by Mikael Åkerfeldt
Steven Wilson and myself were discussing what is the most evil and disturbing record we'd heard.
I obviously went for Bathory's "The return" while Steve named this band Throbbing gristle and an album they'd done back in the late 70´s called "2nd annual report". I'd heard of the band but never heard the music.
He played some stuff to me, and although that wasn't real music, more like noise and some talking going on, the sounds had a massive impact on me. I felt sick listening to it. It was the most decadent, creepy, evil music I'd ever heard. And I'm talking REAL evil. Of course now I gotta have it!

It's not good in the sense, that it'd influence me, but it's fucking disgusting music!
Hope all is well with you guys.

is this really mike? i just got quite excited
Music that gives me chills isn't creepy music. That's beautiful/sad music.
There is some creepy music and the best things I would say is of course Type O Negative. More or less all their songs, but mostly from "Bloody kisses" & "World coming down".
And then there's one of my favorite artists: John Barry. His soundtracks to "The lion in winter" & "The last valley" are pretty spooky and creepy!
If we're talking music that gives me chills (beatiful & sad) let me link to the discussion we had once:
There are a few additions: Buddy Greco "My funny valentine" & "Angel eyes", Ryuichi Sakamoto "Open the door" & "Where is Armo?" (both from "The last emperor" soundtrack)
I can't remember if I've found more.
Arcturus is really creepy stuff.

And Nile will give you nightmares, specifically, "Unas, Slayer of the Gods"

I'm gonna get flamed for this, but...

The title track of the new Slipknot CD scared the crap outta me, the first time I I heard it.

Go ahead, flame away!