Cubase 6

Hoping this thread attracts enough Cubase users to answer this question.

Let's say I've got a mono vocal track, and I want to do a stereo reverse reverb effect leading into it. How do I make that reverse reverb effect stereo? If it's a mono audio region, even if I duplicate it over to a stereo track it still creates a mono reverb effect when printed!!

Never got that to work as well, I always had to print twice and shift a couple of ms or something. If someone knows how to do it I'd be interested in knowing as well
Hoping this thread attracts enough Cubase users to answer this question.

Let's say I've got a mono vocal track, and I want to do a stereo reverse reverb effect leading into it. How do I make that reverse reverb effect stereo? If it's a mono audio region, even if I duplicate it over to a stereo track it still creates a mono reverb effect when printed!!

This is the way I do it:

I create a stereo audio track and a stereo FX track.

On the stereo FX track I put a stereo reverb effect (Rverb stereo)
I set the input routing of the new audio track to the FX track.

The mono vocal track I route it to the FX track, now I record the clip into the newly created audio track, then I reverse that.

There might be an easier way :p but this works for me.
Haha, you know every single time I've asked a question like this about Cubase the answer has always been either 'it can't be done' or some ridiculously long-winded workaround that makes no logical sense.

I hope at least for something as simple as this there is a simple solution, that doesn't involve me bouncing the mono track to a stereo one, re-importing and then using that as the basis of the manipulation.

@Charlez: Thanks. I'll bear that one in mind. I think the way I outlined above may actually be faster though, since it doesn't have to work in real-time.
ermz, never tried it, but how 'bout creating a new stereo track, send the audio clip to this track and then apply the stereo verb on it ?
Ermz, here's how you do it:

*right click on the event and go to "audio", then click on "find selected in pool".
*right click on the selected file and choose "convert files"
*on "channels" select "stereo"
*drag the new file in the pool to the project

If the event doesn't start from a specific point on the grid you can match it's starting position to that of the original file by selecting "events" instead of "grid" and engaging "snap" before draging.

You can now continue with whatever stereo processing you want.

If you don't care about preserving the original file you can do it this way:
*right click on the event and go to "audio", then click on "find selected in pool".
*right click on the selected file and choose "convert files"
*on "channels" select "stereo"
*on "options" select "replace files"

This way you don't have to arrange the placement of the new file as it simply overwrites the previous (mono) one.
wow seriously? my ears must be rubbish because I've put mono audio on a stereo track and put stereo plugs on it and it sounded fine to me?
I'm seriously thinking about switching over to Cubase for its midi features but came across this in the faq:

"Instrument tracks with multiple outputs are not part of Cubase 6, but are planned for future versions."

Wtf, so you're stuck with using the crappy effect processing within sd2/kontakt/etc?

***edit: nevermind, I'm a dumbass***
You should be able to link up a midi track to a VST instrument and still use the multi-outs.

The 'instrument track' option has never supported multi-outs, which is why no-one ever uses it!!
Hoping this thread attracts enough Cubase users to answer this question.

Let's say I've got a mono vocal track, and I want to do a stereo reverse reverb effect leading into it. How do I make that reverse reverb effect stereo? If it's a mono audio region, even if I duplicate it over to a stereo track it still creates a mono reverb effect when printed!!

Just how Shadow Walker said.

I do this probably 100 times an album when working with Chris, and his description is the way to do it. If it couldn't be done that way I would go crazy within 5 minutes.

It always bugs me when Logic users send me stuff to get mixed... 9 out of 10 times they manage to export ALL their files as stereo bounces when 90% of the tracks is supposed to be mono and if the pool menu wasn't there to fix all of that stuff I would have hung myself by now. :wave:
Yeah, they managed to improve it some in the last update by adding a "mono export" button when making a batch export. The work-around before was to create a mono output bus and route all your mono tracks to that bus before doing an export. Still you needed to export all your stereo and mono tracks in two passes and that's still the case.

The only time this is actually logical would be if you'd want to make a true archive of a finished mix without having any real time processes happening and have everything end up in the stereo field as they actually are. But I don't know of anyone who uses it like that. The batch export function I think is used mostly by people for sending stems and single parts on through to another system like ProTools or Logic for continued work. So it would be a lot more logical to have a button saying "export as routed" instead of a "mono export".
if you select a channel to export, that channel will be exported based on what type of channel it is. if you have plugins on the channel that can output stereo content, the track will automatically be upgraded to be stereo.

has anyone got their copy yet? im still waiting on mine.
On the other hand Cubase seems to batch export tracks depending on how they're routed. So even a mono track routed to a stereo bus will still export in stereo. Always found that really bizarre.

a mono track will export as stereo if you bounce the "bus"
if you bounce the "track" it will remain mono until you add a plugin that can produce stereo content. even if the stereo content isnt active. like pod farm 2 which doesnt have a mono version of the plugin, and can produce stereo sound.
Did you check this site?

Yamaha Music Australia Pty Ltd
Level 1, 99 Queensbridge Street
3006 Southbank
1300 739 390

It looks pretty disorganised so no idea if you can order it from there but I suppose you could call them.