Cubase 6

if you select a channel to export, that channel will be exported based on what type of channel it is. if you have plugins on the channel that can output stereo content, the track will automatically be upgraded to be stereo.

has anyone got their copy yet? im still waiting on mine.

i do. thats the cool thing if you live in the city they make cubase ;-)!

but i guess for all you people outside germany it may take another week....
The Studio One export shizzle is great. You can do tracks or mixer channels, and re-import back into the project. Standard stuff, but is just presented in a really user friendly manner.

running cubase 6 on xp now for the whole day.
no issues so far, drum editing feature is cool, but it will get time getting used to ít. for simple
rock drums it will be super fast, everything involving fast kick patterns and bad drumming i will stay with slip editing.
some nice new features, like tempo detection. some bands forget to send midi or tempotracks,
this way, cubase does a tempo map in 5 seconds! nice, a huge timesaver!

From Steinberg C6 forum:


A lot of work went into re-designing the part appearance and display behaviors, consolidating all the different display/draw modes which where added over the years into the program. There was a lot of interdependency of all the different combination and modes which culminated in rather awkward code to maintain - or to extend. Nearly impossible. With Nuendo 5 the first batch of part appearance changes was introduced, with Cubase 6 we got it all together. Tidy, and modern looking, and with user controllable settings. It takes a bit of time to get used to it but compare a complex project in Cubase 5.5 with Cubase 6: It has a much calmer look and once you have seen it in action you will notice that there is purpose behind all this. As a tip: Ever wondered by "Use Background Modulation" and using the Range Tool never got nicely together? In Cubase 6 it all works and looks as it should and removes much of the "clutter".

To answer the question about Transparent Events: The term itself (when viewed from Cubase 5.5 point of view) is a bit misleading. But we know why people have been using it, there are usecases where you need to see the grid underneath e.g. a peak of a waveform. Unfortunately we could not yet re-implement it back in time - but on the other hand we are now in the best position of having a fresh, modern looking appearance and adding it back without doing nasty things to achieve it. It is just not ready yet, sorry.

Best regards,
Product Planning Coordinator | Cubase

So, no transparent events. Motherfuckers. :|
are you serious? no transparent events? maybe i'll stick with 5 after all...

i was really looking forward to that triplet grid and the new timestretching :(
Sounds like they'll implement it back in fairly soon. It's inconvenient, but not exactly a deal-breaker. If they bring it back with a percentage slider so that we can see the grid without our sessions looking like shit (ala ProTools) that'd be worth the wait.

running cubase 6 on xp now for the whole day.
no issues so far, drum editing feature is cool, but it will get time getting used to ít. for simple
rock drums it will be super fast, everything involving fast kick patterns and bad drumming i will stay with slip editing.
some nice new features, like tempo detection. some bands forget to send midi or tempotracks,
this way, cubase does a tempo map in 5 seconds! nice, a huge timesaver!
How does the audio quantization work? Is it possible to set a percentage value of how hard you want to quantize, or is this still just 100% or nothing?
About the transparent events problem... have you tried adding an empty track here and there so you have a more clear idea where the grid is relating to the events? I usually have one or two near the kick and snare and another for the cymbals. It helps with group selecting, too.

running cubase 6 on xp now for the whole day.
no issues so far, drum editing feature is cool, but it will get time getting used to ít. for simple
rock drums it will be super fast, everything involving fast kick patterns and bad drumming i will stay with slip editing.
some nice new features, like tempo detection. some bands forget to send midi or tempotracks,
this way, cubase does a tempo map in 5 seconds! nice, a huge timesaver!
AWESOME, thanks for the report!!! :)
How does the audio quantization work? Is it possible to set a percentage value of how hard you want to quantize, or is this still just 100% or nothing?

you can use all the settings you would for midi quantizing, including
swing and stuff like that.