Savage Circus - Dreamland Manor

This album is so awesome. Savage Circus IS Blind Guardin from the early 90's except better production and songwriting. This album is amazing. It's like Thomen said, okay, I don't want to do all that pop stuff BG, now I wanna do what we've always done-if you guys won't then I can do it by myself.
Finally got to listen to Borknagar - Epic. Don't know what the fuss is about. i thought it was a GREAT album. About to order Ink Complete and Ink compatible off of ebay. the amazon price is ridiculous. Just finished Angra - Temple of Shadows for the fourth time. Oh me oh my. Angra has brought power metal back to the forefront of my mind. Damn those boys are good. Especially Mr. Aquiles Priester on the drums... Jesus.