In this case I can hear a difference between the first 3 hits and the fourth
you were right, there was a problem
we have a fix!
just go to the site, login, and go to the updates section
In this case I can hear a difference between the first 3 hits and the fourth
also, sale today and tomorrow
25% off, happy 4th of july!
Shame the other cymbal packs weren't available to be demo'd during this offer as im holding out until I hear them all then picking from there.
Any info on the release of the other 2 packs?
Lovely stuff, I think im going to pull the trigger on some of these since ive only got 1 song down that id need to re-map for the new cymbals anyway so its perfect timing.
I assume it will be easy enough to mix and match all the different cymbal packs together to create like a custom set?
If you've used SSD in Kontakt, it's just like that. You can add/remove instruments (cymbals) and resave what you make as a new multi file.
Yeah thats exactly what I was hoping would work!
Clips dude! I want to hear them bit a bit of simple processing![]()
I plan on using some of these samples in drum programming.
I actually plan on recording a legit sounding album.
But the problem here is I don't have a studio set up, I have a desktop computer.
So, everything will be done electronically.
I need a good way to program drums using these .wav samples. So far I've tried FL Studio, Beatcraft, etc. and it seems like the options are way too limited for the type of complex drumming I'm trying to make. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Damn, I wish I knew about the sale a few days ago. I jumped on the Dreaming Heavy cymbals, because of the quality... not knowing there was going to be a sale right after... :/
Sorry. I never intended to warn people about sales...
They just happen, like in the real world? Should I be giving caution for things like this? I roll in walmart on a random day and they got something for 50 bucks cheaper than I bought last week, should I be pissed? Yes... But they have every right don't they?
+1. But Joey, tell me how you incorporate these over LIVE overheads, what's the workflow like in Cubendo? I don't quite understand, hence my hesitation to buy.....
Thanks bro!
You can add a new track. Then import one of the wave files. From there you can drag it around in the song. Emphasize the crash of a chorus. Reverse for reverse crash. Or if the drummers zilbell sounds like shit, replace with mine but plopping it over top and turning it up louder.
Just the simple fact of having a set of cymbals separate from anything else going on and no bleeding opens the doors for lots of layering trickery.
Edit: just realized this might not be obvious to some, you literally zoom into your overhead track and find each transient of the cymbal you want to layer and phase align the imported wav of the new cymbal.
On plagues I added a new china hit to every old china hit, by hand. It took forever but without it, the china would have sounded very muffled.
I will say that I recommend this stuff mostly for total replacement or programming. But the sounds them selves are top notch and very useful if you've got a budget for stuff like this.
Would that be the free Kontakt Player that you're referring to?
Even the site says kontakt 4 full only (not kontakt player)
It costs 12000 for me to get 1000 kontakt player serial numbers
Can't do it :/
Well, what exactly is Kontakt? I see that you have Kontakt instuments in your sample packages, and I don't really know the significance of it.