Da Fine Liquor Thread

Talisker 10 year tastes of the ocean and awesome. It's weird but I like it.

1792 is really good, went through a bottle of that last year.

Van Winkle though... jebus. Still the best bourbon I've enjoyed.
What's the proper courtesies surrounding offering household guests fine liquor?
Generally speaking, I guide the consumption of fine scotch at home. We might start with Oban, but I'll migrate to cheaper shit for anything beyond the first dram or two. At the same time I'm not a dick about it "hey dudes I have some really good scotch up here maybe next time I'll let you touch the bottle" and don't prevent someone from continuing with decent booze if they want to. More of a suggestion than a rule I guess?

Beer is different. I don't care how loaded you are and how expensive that one bottle is, if it's in my fridge, it should be in your mouth.

EDIT: Oh yeah I do have a strict NO EMPTY GLASS policy at home. If hate it when a guest finishes a drink and nobody offers them something right away. Because you don't want to be rude and ask for another. And if you don't take care of that shit immediately, you're a bad host. Not that I force people to drink more, but I always make sure to give the option for another round as soon as I see the opportunity. What can I say, I'm a giver. Or maybe that'd be pusher...
Is that a hipster thing?

"...America's hottest bourbon"

I'm not reading the rest.

I dont know if it's a hipster thing but that is exactly what is irking me. However, I'm of the impression that hipsters are broke and therefore cant afford $60 bottles of alcohol but maybe it depends on the type of hipster (and here is where we need the discerning powers if Aurel). Alot of the parents at my kids elementary school I would describe as hipsters because they have beards, black chunky glasses, refuse to exercise and roll up the cuffs of their jeans and they definitely have the money to buy expensive bourbon. So I guess I need to know what a hipster is.
That said, the article is about the type of people who buy Pappy simply because it's trendy and don't actually drink it.
Bourbon is in fact the new hot drink. I'm not sure when this happened or why this happened, but apparently it's happened. Like all other crazes this will eventually die down. Production will catch up with demand and the market will speak and chase the Johnny Come Lately producers out of business.

The one bourbon I'm truly digging lately is Breckenridge:

I'm convinced Four Roses Yellow Label is the best bourbon for the buck. I'm experimenting going even lower on the shelf and seeing what happens. Grabbed a bottle of Jim Beam for $14 and it's pretty good.
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Old Pappy Van Winkle you fuckers.

LOL...back when it just sat on the shelf. It was a tiny bit more expensive back then but not like nowadays where you have to enter raffles to even have the chance to buy a bottle. Or go the black market route and pay thousands for a bottle.

Hipsters ruin everything. Everything sucks nowadays. lol