damn i'm drunk -- the thread

On my 5th one of these. One of SF's finest. :kickass:

been drinking pbr's waaaay before it was cool.

that SF beer looks really good btw ... i wonder if I can find it here?!?!?
what does it taste like?
Do you know how hard it is to describe what something tastes like? :lol:

some interweb beer expert said:
Appearance - Light golden hue and very clear. Very thin almost unnoticeable head with heavy lacing and a good amount of carbonation. Lack of head could be from oil in glass.

Smell - Very faint scent of grass, straw, certainly not overwhelming. Malted wheat scent is apparent but not strong.

Taste - Extremely Light, bright wheat flavor with a mild hop kick. Malt is present but not overwhelming. A nicely balanced wheat beer.

Mouthfeel - Light to medium body. Refreshingly crisp, almost like an American light lager with significantly more taste.

Overall - Very enjoyable and refreshing. I am not usually a wheat beer drinker, but this one is very good. I like that this beer is not the traditional unfiltered, heavy wheat beer to I come to expect. Indeed this is a great summer beer and one that I would try again.
You know what rules? I can make killerkool (and mostly mildly funny) labels for beer & booze bottles at work. Great gifts.

this would be 2000000 x cooler if you actually made your own beer & booze to go in the bottles