damn i'm drunk -- the thread

I finished off all the whiskey

@ ken: i did. Earlier. The baby was crying in her room. Major turn off.
haha nah, I hallucinated horribly and my breathing got all shitty and I had intractable hiccups. The wife went to work the next morning but because I wasn't answering her phone calls, she called my MD and he said to call 911 but she decided to come home and check on me herself. Her storming up the stairs to the bedroom woke me up. It was around 10 am. My bed was full of sugar.
There aren't enough :lol: in all the land to respond to this.

Also: WHOOPSIE TIME :kickass:
I'm trying to get drunk so I can accomplish more writing. I don't even like Hemingway but I'll take his advice anyhow.
Glass of wine and two drams of scotch and I'm pretty sober. This sucks, I've been really enjoying low alcohol tolerance the last year or two. :(

Oh well I got some writing done. And I suppose I could just keep drinking more, I mean I'm listening to Deceased and everything. :Spin:
I think it's the pizza I had for dinner. Shit just absorbed everything methinks.

Trying to chug a Shocktop right now. WHY IS THIS SHIT EVEN IN MY FRIDGE?!
Shocktop?! That is one of the worst beers I've ever had! bllbbdkjahdkehwduiwegdjahAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Yea, eating well+ drinking dont mix very well. EVery time I have a decent sized meal and try to drink, it never works out.
Was planning on heading to Joshua Tree today, woukd have been 50 bux in gas.

Instead went to local French market. Spent 50 tokens in beer and cheese.

I'm on the drink again.