damn i'm drunk -- the thread

I was going to drink a Trois Pistoles for election night but then checked and noticed that my blood runs RED, WHITE, and fuckin' BLUE tonight so I'm drinking a Stone Lucky Bastard instead. :mad:
Well I drank all the Stone so now I have to move on to the French/Canadian swill.

Thank you to our brothers to the north, keeping my mind nice and wet tonight. :mad:
i think i'll watch a western after sons of anarchy tonight. whats more amurican than whiskey and bikers and cowboys?! with the right western i can get some civil war action and cover soldiers too!

amerriiicaaaa :kickass:
I wanted to watch The Dead Zone and the Treehouse of Horror with Kang and Kodos in the election thingy.

But I'm fuckin' hammered and the wife is watching Sons of Anarchy. So I'll probably have to wrestle her for dominance tonight.

Fuckin' Tuesday yeah... :danceboy:
i think i'll watch a western...tonight. whats more amurican than [drinking] and ... cowboys?! ... civil war action ... too!

amerriiicaaaa :kickass:

got drunk and watched westerns several times this past week, its a good thing to do when you're drunk and sitting on a couch with the BIG screen. and maybe a vaporizer.