PanzerKunt said:
make love not war

I just wanna put in my two cents.

What I call prejudice is the way you approach (a group of) people. That you treat them differently based on clothing, nationality, etc.
I don't dislike gypsies as a group, I don't know any gypsies. I like to approach every person as an individual. With me, I respect you if I don't know you. You can stabilize that respect or ruin it.
As the situation is in Holland, we have many Maroccan, Turkish, Saudi Arabian, Polish people and people from the Dutch Antilles. A fact is that, at least where I live, the majority of crimes are perpetrated by members of these racial groups, mainly Marroccan and Dutch Antillians. But I try, and as far as I'm concerned I manage pretty damn well, not to approach them differently than I approach any other person of my nationality / racial descent. Or say whenever drugdealers have been arrested, say: "Probably be one of those foreigners." Although it is, regretfully, mostly true.
I like everyone. Until proven different.
Heavenscent said:
I just wanna put in my two cents.

What I call prejudice is the way you approach (a group of) people. That you treat them differently based on clothing, nationality, etc.
I don't dislike gypsies as a group, I don't know any gypsies. I like to approach every person as an individual. With me, I respect you if I don't know you. You can stabilize that respect or ruin it.
As the situation is in Holland, we have many Maroccan, Turkish, Saudi Arabian, Polish people and people from the Dutch Antilles. A fact is that, at least where I live, the majority of crimes are perpetrated by members of these racial groups, mainly Marroccan and Dutch Antillians. But I try, and as far as I'm concerned I manage pretty damn well, not to approach them differently than I approach any other person of my nationality / racial descent. Or say whenever drugdealers have been arrested, say: "Probably be one of those foreigners." Although it is, regretfully, mostly true.
I like everyone. Until proven different.

Exactly. And yet you are not blind to the facts (statistical number of crimes committed by members of certain ethnical groups) as aleta is.

This part tho makes me wonder "What I call prejudice is the way you approach (a group of) people. That you treat them differently based on clothing, nationality, etc." if you call taking the other side of the road away from a group of gypsies after nightfall prejudice or caution?
Stereotypes exist, racial profiling exists, but like heavenscent said, when theres factualy evidence behind a certain group of people doing certain things a reaction will be heard directly towards that certain group of people.
Hmmm. Replace gypsies with marroccans here (or bald kiddo's on army boots wearing lonsdale on mopeds), I don't think I would walk on the other side of the road. But that is mainly because I am intimidated but don't want to show it.
Because statistically speaking, groups of juveniles here are just more criminal.
Come to think of it, it's more the age and size of the groups that matter than other aspects such as skin colour, clothing.
I see your point. I feel intimidated. I call that prejudice. But you're mostly not prejudice by choice, I think. I can't help feeling intimidated. Neither can you.
I consider there to be a large difference between groups and individuals. I approach people as individuals. I'm much more careful with groups. Yes, that's prejudice in my book. In my case, this prejudice mainly caused by general experiences, meaning, non-personal experiences, more like things you see on the news or hear people talk about.
Many, and I mean a lot, and I mean most of the criminal offences in Rotterdam and the bigger cities on the coast are perpotrated by Dutch Antilleans. But I refuse to look upon every Dutch Antillean as if he's gonna rob my house, torch my car or rape my sister.

Fuck man. These are the most serious posts I ever made here.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
we don't have gypsies in brazil
*points and laughs at all europeans*

HAH! :lol:
Yeah, but you have brazilians! *points and laughs at all the brazilians*
Besides, you're quite near Argentina! :p
Hylian said:
Besides, you're quite near Argentina! :p
real nice that, milk is coming out of my nose from laughter!!!

thread recap: hokay. so basically we have people who prejudiciously hate gypsies (xuxa), people who prejudiciously love them (aleta), people who love the entire world (jossa) and people who want to blow it the fuck away (fenrir). but as a whole, you sure can't call us a flat bunch! generalize that!

i propose, firstly, a huge forum orgy where love one another to near death regardless of prejudices or experiences, and just about as everyone's about to come, we detonate nukes all over the world, to go out with a BANG and a SPLAT!

or, we may simply just leave each other be with our beliefs ^__^ AND QUIT IT WITH THE FUCKING PHOTOCHOPS OF THIS CHICK FFS!