
New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2009
On the advice of counsel I have remained silent to the statements issued by Anthrax in recent days and now must address these issues to my loyal fans and others. I want to set the record straight.
I was never seriously ill or sick at all, as reported in Anthrax’s 7/17/09 press release. This extremely inflammatory statement hurt me tremendously. This statement misled fans, friends and family members into believing that I was seriously ill when I was not. I was not aware such a statement was being issued and it came as a total shock to me, as I’m sure it did to all of you. It was the other band members’ decision to cancel the tour dates, not mine. I was ready, willing and able to do my job. After issuing the press release the other band members decided, on their own accord, that I had “resigned” from the band. I never resigned from the band.
Even in view of this action and stance taken by the band, as late as earlier today I made it clear that I was ready willing and able to continue to fulfill my obligations. After that offer was made the most recent press release was issued which announced my “confirmed” departure from the band. I was not aware of the contents of this release until after it was issued, nor was I aware that Anthrax was canceling the European and Slipknot tours.
I regret any disappointment and confusion this situation has caused. I want to thank my loyal fans, family and friends for all their support and their many messages, emails and calls. My counsel has been instructed to take any and all appropriate actions to address this situation.

Dan Nelson
On the advice of counsel I have remained silent to the statements issued by Anthrax in recent days and now must address these issues to my loyal fans and others. I want to set the record straight.
I was never seriously ill or sick at all, as reported in Anthrax’s 7/17/09 press release. This extremely inflammatory statement hurt me tremendously. This statement misled fans, friends and family members into believing that I was seriously ill when I was not. I was not aware such a statement was being issued and it came as a total shock to me, as I’m sure it did to all of you. It was the other band members’ decision to cancel the tour dates, not mine. I was ready, willing and able to do my job. After issuing the press release the other band members decided, on their own accord, that I had “resigned” from the band. I never resigned from the band.
Even in view of this action and stance taken by the band, as late as earlier today I made it clear that I was ready willing and able to continue to fulfill my obligations. After that offer was made the most recent press release was issued which announced my “confirmed” departure from the band. I was not aware of the contents of this release until after it was issued, nor was I aware that Anthrax was canceling the European and Slipknot tours.
I regret any disappointment and confusion this situation has caused. I want to thank my loyal fans, family and friends for all their support and their many messages, emails and calls. My counsel has been instructed to take any and all appropriate actions to address this situation.

Dan Nelson

Worst mistake ever! Those guys have got to be the biggest douchebags on the planet! I feel sick to my stomach just thinking of the audacity of those guys. Especially now when things are looking up for the band. Seriously, fuck them! Anthrax officially sucks AGAIN!
I haven't posted on here in years (since Bush left), but now I feel the need to. This whole thing is BS. Anthrax have pretty much shot themselves in the foot once again. They're doomed.

Best of luck to you Dan. You have an amazing voice and will go far in the metal world.
I haven't posted on here in years (since Bush left), but now I feel the need to. This whole thing is BS. Anthrax have pretty much shot themselves in the foot once again. They're doomed.

Best of luck to you Dan. You have an amazing voice and will go far in the metal world.
Hey Trendkill! :headbang: :erk:
I can't believe what I am reading. WTF is going on???

Dan, if it's really you and you're telling the truth - best of luck to you man. You deserve better and I hope you get that in the future in this shitty music industry.
Best of luck to you, Dan! I may not have been a loyal fan of yours...but even I don't think you deserve to be fucked like this.

Stick a fork in it, Scott b/c your band is done.
Gregadeth... haven't seen you around here since the end of the war :) Wish it was under better circumstances.
Nothing personal toward Dan, but from the photos and YouTube footage I've seen, I never particularly cared for his singing or stage persona with Anthrax, plus the fact that the rest of the band are 13 years or so older, which can be a major problem this day and age.

This could be the "be all end all" CD for the band...would you want to go out onto the field with a 3rd string QB or try and get a starting veteran like Bush back into the fold?

I'm also going out on a limb here and say that maybe Anthrax are being considered for an opening slot when Maiden tours next year... Bush would be significantly more of a draw than a Pantera-Bizkit type frontman nobody has heard of.
Oh what the hell? I just got around to accepting you as a full time member and anticipating Worship Music to come out. The fuck?
Oh what the hell? I just got around to accepting you as a full time member and anticipating Worship Music to come out. The fuck?

All the more reason to cut him loose now instead of having a CD with a vocalist theyre not fond of.
Sounds like Dan was "Belladonna-ed"

Well from Dan's statement it sounds very similar to what happened after the reunion tour when the band couldnt make it work with Joey to do a new album and when people asked Joey what was happening he would say he didnt know and it was 'their' band and shortly after that we got the offical word that he was no longer in Anthrax. There was that really vague interview with Joey about it if anyone remembers.
All the more reason to cut him loose now instead of having a CD with a vocalist theyre not fond of.

Well, it was more or less me getting around to listening to some of the new stuff they were planning on releasing. Revolution Screams was badass. :erk:
Well from Dan's statement it sounds very similar to what happened after the reunion tour when the band couldnt make it work with Joey to do a new album and when people asked Joey what was happening he would say he didnt know and it was 'their' band and shortly after that we got the offical word that he was no longer in Anthrax. There was that really vague interview with Joey about it if anyone remembers.

I was actually referring to when Joey was dumped/left(depending on who your talking to) when they signed to Electra. I had the opportunity to talk with Joey right before he released his first solo record after his first solo show in Liverpool NY, and he basically said the same thing at the time--Scott and Charlie fired him (without notice) because he wasn't pulling his weight lyrically
It CAN'T be that they weren't happy with his voice or studio performance, because the fact is, they worked a long time on the album and spent all of the money to have it mixed and mastered. If they weren't feeling his vocal performances or input, they'd have never finished mixing the album, period.

Something must have went down on the road, plain and simple.
what a shame,the only thing i will say in anthrax defence is u never really know a person till u tour for extended periods of time,other tha that this is pretty fucked,the cd better still come out at least!!!
I too haven't posted here in ages, probably since before the last round of Belladonna reunion, because I thought that was a load of shit after releasing an album as strong as WCFYA, and again, just as they start to gear up, they fuck it, I loved these guys once, and still love all the Bush-era albums, but how many times do you want to build something up jsut to fuck it up in front of your fans.

Be a sport John and get back on board to help this mis-guided ship out please, we all miss the band
Well, there are two sides to every story, maybe we'll never get the full story from Anthrax...

However, assuming Dan is telling the truth (and why wouldn't he? What's he got to lose now?) it sounds like the band have lied to him and lied to us too - If he wasn't ill, then why use that as an excuse to cancel shows?