Dance Of Death -vs- Brave New World

Which of these Maiden albums do you prefer?

  • Dance Of Death

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Brave New World

    Votes: 14 63.6%

  • Total voters


Master Exploder
It has been long enough now since the release of Dance Of Death that we all have a feel for the album and know how it rates against their other material, so how do you think it stacks up against Brave New World?

I prefer DoD, as it is a more solid album, one of the most solid Maiden have released IMO, with no real dud tracks, and no monotonous repitition that gets under your skin to be heard. DoD has just bumped BNW out of my top 5 Maiden albums, coming in at #5, with BNW at #6.

I have not yet heard all the releases from 2003 that I want to (Dream Theater's Train Of Thought in particular), but from what I have heard, DoD is my album of 2003.

Rock. :kickass:
i found plenty of repetition in DoD.. eg No More Lies, Gates of Montesgsurrrrrrrrrrr, wildest dreams....
Some of it is really cool, but some of it is a bit so-so
Hated Brave New World.
Liked Dance Of Death.
Now like Brave New World.
I didn't say there was no repetition on DoD, I said there was "no monotonous repitition that gets under your skin to be heard", by which I mean there is less repetition on there than other albums, and what is there is not a problem. I think the repetition in No More Lies fits the song well, and the repetition in Montsegur is not that bad. There is certainly nothing on there as bad as the repetition in The Mercenary or The Angel And The Gambler, for example.
I'll go with Brave New World with this one. Both really good, but Brave New World was a bit more....immediate. It just hit me faster than DoD. DoD grew on me while BNW had me hooked faster, get it? got it? good.
Wicked child on a different matter, who's dick did you suck to get so many green dots, there are people round here, that have thousands and thousands of posts and still only have one dot :lol:, sorry I had to ask mate
I think dance of death is about 100% better than brave new world
To me brave new world sounds like just a typical what you would expect maiden album, but DoD has much more.