I find there to be two particular points regarding Darkthrone's current output that I believe can be considered important. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me, but this is the way that I see it.
1) The fact that they are not doing something new or even trying something new but actively regressing further and further into the origins of the genre reflects an interest in the band's part to remind people just where this music came from. There is quite a disconnect especially among the younger fans between what they hear now and what was out there back when Black Metal was new. This is of particular importance to me, though I know it's insiginficant to others.
2) The attitude that they display through their output is a refreshing change from what we normally get in today's Black Metal, which often takes itself far, far too seriously. Darkthrone's music is extremely relaxed and fully devoid of pretension, which can't be said of most of the practitioners of this style today. Darkthrone represents the spirit of the old days, essentially, and is a giant middle finger in the face of all of the little kiddies singing about orthodox satanism or skipping through a forest with an ax for no other reason than the fact that that is what the musical paradigm in which they work dictates.
Exactly, and additionally their act is anti-trend, with today's trend being that of trying to be Black Metal. Quite honestly, I find Darkthrone are alone in the way the do things. They're becoming, or have become, unpredictable in their interests.
Dodens, if I end up in your neighbourhood in my travels, be sure to remind me to buy you a few drinks for that post. Well said.
Unlike many other bands (inclusive of the second wave itself), Darkthrone are not trying to sound Black Metal. They're mixing a belief with Heavy Metal, which is exactly what Venom and Bathory were doing in the first place.
Fenriz & Culto are making Black Metal in the same way that the pioneers did, and no one else today is using that approach because they're too busy trying to be tough.
Additionally, Fenriz & Culto's output of the last few years is starting to show, and dare I say it, maturity. Personally, I think they are at the peak of their creative powers and have been for a while.
The problem for many people who don't understand their motives, is that they get upset because Darkthrone aren't delivering the style of Black Metal they did back in the early 90s. That gets the majority of listeners upset because the modern(ish) version of Black metal is what they want.
Darkthrone is for the self, not for the fan of Darkthrone, but for the fan of true metal. Fenriz & Culto are simply sharing their music passion with other people, and because of their understanding of the second wave, being themselves pioneers, they are able to produce their influences in the strict Black Metal fashion. They seem to have an understanding which 99% of Black Metal bands today lack.