Dear diary: DT sucked ass

I may say that it will snow alot when the music he touch himself is out... That will be short winter, spring a little while and then a bit more winter.

I once heard a story about Swedish farmers who got an early spring and they started to plant their stuff and then the winter came again and they lost everything, got poor and had to sell all their farms....

We have to warn the Swedish population!!! Mikael, the weathergod is at uproar!

edit one: That is maybe why all old greek warrior where naked down..humhum.. Uproar is a signe of hornyness...
UndoControl said:
One more thing: We (Rincewind and i) have a bootleg (without the last five songs, unfortunately, due to unforeseen camera problems, but at least it has Blind at heart and a couple of funny phrases by Mikael), in case anyone is interested in trading. :)

Hey Undo is back! What do you mean by trading you cheap bastard -.n? :mad: :yuk: Give it away c'mon!!! I want to hear it!!!


Thanks for your list! :) I also have other bootlegs for trading, but they're back home, so you'll have to wait like a month to know the whole list (some 19 bootlegs, not counting the Evolution one). You'll also have to wait a couple of weeks (most likely one month or so) until i can send you the Evolution one, as i'm currently in your country and have a) limited computer access and b) no way to put it on a computer or on a cd and send it to you. :( Anyway, i'll tell you which of your audio bootlegs i don't have (and having a list of your video bootlegs would also be nice):

1. Philadelphia 9 february 2003
2. Paris 19 november 2002 (i'm not sure; i might have it)
3. Osaka 2 september 1999

I'm healthy and happy; thanks for asking. :) And yourself? I'm still with Ivana, if that's what you mean, and there's a LOTR-elvish-style wedding coming up in the near future. :) And no, no kids, please! :D

About Evolution: Welcome. :) Niklas also told me that they had to skip Monochromatic and Feast of burden because of time constraints, which sucked a lot.

I would kick PMH out, but Brandstrom (yes, i talked to all of them except Nicklasson) said that since it was one of the favorites of most fans they had to keep playing it. :/

About the new cd: Mikael said something like "late next year", Jivarp said spring 2007 (and he said something like "probably april"), and someone else said something similar to what Jivarp said. I'll assume that either Mikael was distracted or i heard wrong, and my bet is april/may 2007.

One more thing: What's *g*?
UndoControl said:

Thanks for your list! :) I also have other bootlegs for trading, but they're back home, so you'll have to wait like a month to know the whole list (some 19 bootlegs, not counting the Evolution one). You'll also have to wait a couple of weeks (most likely one month or so) until i can send you the Evolution one, as i'm currently in your country and have a) limited computer access and b) no way to put it on a computer or on a cd and send it to you. :( Anyway, i'll tell you which of your audio bootlegs i don't have (and having a list of your video bootlegs would also be nice):

1. Philadelphia 9 february 2003
2. Paris 19 november 2002 (i'm not sure; i might have it)
3. Osaka 2 september 1999
ok! no problem to me! ;)
UndoControl said:
One more thing: What's *g*?

As far as I know, it's one of the many ways to shorten "giggle", or *giggles* with the stars to remark how the writer is performing the action. For some I think it has become akin to a smiling face.

Could you kind sirs list bootlegs in private or link to pages where they're listed? I know what you're going to say: "But, Master rahvin, provider of light and greatest gift to women since tampons," you're going to say, "they're just bootlegs!". And I agree. But I'd rather not encourage WHERE THE FILEZ AT LOL!! behavior if possible, and you know one thing leads to another, a bit like having sex with animals...


So, ok, my point is: private messages.
UndoControl said:

I'm still with Ivana, if that's what you mean, and there's a LOTR-elvish-style wedding coming up in the near future. :) And no, no kids, please! :D

WTF? you've only seen each other for about 2 months and you are already talking about wedding?? :hypno:
rahvin said:
As far as I know, it's one of the many ways to shorten "giggle", or *giggles* with the stars to remark how the writer is performing the action. For some I think it has become akin to a smiling face.

Could you kind sirs list bootlegs in private or link to pages where they're listed? I know what you're going to say: "But, Master rahvin, provider of light and greatest gift to women since tampons," you're going to say, "they're just bootlegs!". And I agree. But I'd rather not encourage WHERE THE FILEZ AT LOL!! behavior if possible, and you know one thing leads to another, a bit like having sex with animals...


So, ok, my point is: private messages.

We've been down this road before. Some peeps just don't get it or maybe they just suck ass -
Nico + anyone else who wants the thing: We settle it with private messages from now on, as Rahvin said. I always have free space in my inbox. :)

Judith: Someone bought a LOTR One Ring for --and proposed to-- someone else -- at Evolution Festival. :D

Dave said:
maybe they just suck ass
You're not talking about DT, are you? ;)
Dark_Silence said:
WTF? you've only seen each other for about 2 months and you are already talking about wedding?? :hypno:

I suppose that going in another country and changing your life completely after just a few months of being together is something SO different, aye?!

And if you know you found the right person, you just know, no amount of months or years will tell you better.

One more thing: What's so different in living together for years or living together for years and have that paper?!
1) We didnt begin our relation online
2) None of us travelled halfway round the world for the other
3) I dont know about Croatia or Mexico, but here, marriages arent so easily divorced. If one of you has a job afterwards and the other doesnt, the one with the job can be forced to pay a certain sum each month for a certain time.

So yea, there is a difference and if you really wanna go through with it, I suggest you go do some reading about it
I didnt change my life completely. Living here or living in Belgium is pretty much the same, exept for the language.
I think I have much more important things to achieve now than getting married. I havent started university yet and I am only 19. I think it is pretty stupid to marry so young... life is long enough, I dont feel like I have to rush to get married "now or else it will be too late".
I believe marriage is a decision that shouldnt be taken so fast. You should first get to know each other very well, that doesnt take only 2 months!
I have known people who got married and divorced after a year.
And when I will marry the one I love, I dont want to do it in a strange time or so, I mean I dont want to get married before I finish my studies and before I get a job...
For myself, I don't even feel the need to be married at all.... love is not on a paper who testifies it. It's in between each other and the love they share! It costs too much anyway....

1) Liking each other enough to start a relationship the day you see each other is, to me, a relationship, even if you don't call it so. You don't need names for something to exist.

2) But you would have. Or else you don't love each other that much, which is fucked up if you ask me, but ok.

a) We don't plan on getting divorced. ;) But i do get your point, but it doesn't really matter.
b) We both plan on getting jobs.



1) It's never "too late" to marry. We're not rushing anything "because it will be too late afterwards".

2) We do plan on finishing university and so on. Our lives won't change.

3) Marriage won't make a difference. It's just something that means something to us because of personal reasons, but i honestly don't see how a paper with a few signatures can change a couple's life in any way.

4) I feel like i've known Ivana forever, but i wouldn't expect you two to understand that.


Kat: Read point 3 on my answer to Judith.


Can we get back to the bootlegs now, please?