Death Metal Bands

Hard to be overrated when you play some of the hardest (and groovy as fuck) songs in metal to perfection, LIVE. Necrophagist deserve everything good that comes to them.
I guess you are right:lol:

I used to listen to tech death back in days,things like The Faceless,Anata,Psycroptic and so on,nowadays I prefer older things.
Necrophagist is the only one that sticks on me, and even so, they are better in small doses.

I don't even have a band I listen to alot lately, I've been disappointed and un-satisfied with all the new albums that have come out for a long time. Especially The Fathomless Cockery.
Haha :lol:

Artist: Mr Death
Album: Detached From Life
Year: 2009
Country: Sweden
Style: Death Metal

For a sec I thought these are Desolator guys.

Jocke - Vocals (Digression Assassins)
Juck (Jorgen "Juck the Ripper" Thullberg) - Bass (Tiamat, Treblinka (Swe), Expulsion (Swe))
Jonas - Drums (Void (Swe), Massive (later known as Septic Grave))
Alex - Guitar (Oceanlift)
Stefan Lagergren - Guitar (River's Edge/Expulsion (Swe), Treblinka (Swe)/Tiamat, Judge And Jury, Tranquility)
Amongst and Black Seeds are alright...After thanks. There are way better bands out there. It was nice to see the Black Seeds lineup live though.