Death Metal Bands

M'kay. Well Altars of Madness has its hits, other than that Enshrined By Grave is the only song that owns :) They are kinda overrated in my eyes. Death + the swedish guys (before the shitty melodeth spiral begun) did the truly åsome stuff :)
The only Death album I really think is "really good" is Human... Morbid Angel is the better band and stefan just wants entombed/grave/dismember/carnage c0ck in his ass.
MA has good stuff no doubt. I also prefer Death personally though as far as pioneering goes. And didn't we shun LifeDepraved's obnoxious ass out of here last time he started ripping on people? Go away troll.
MA has good stuff no doubt. I also prefer Death personally though as far as pioneering goes. And didn't we shun LifeDepraved's obnoxious ass out of here last time he started ripping on people? Go away troll.

:) I didn't have internet access for a year, and I was here long before you shush your mouth brat.

I'm just here to show most of you have the worst taste in Death Metal. And if you don't like it, fine, but I'll say it anyways.

Bah, the point is, don't try to force your taste on others. If others do not share your "superiorly awesome and kvlt taste in metal", then just learn to live with it rather than whining.

Just my 2 cents. :)

Back to trolling now.
The only Death album I really think is "really good" is Human... Morbid Angel is the better band and stefan just wants entombed/grave/dismember/carnage c0ck in his ass.

How can you not think Scream Bloody Gore or Leprosy are great? Even the early Mantas/Death demos have charm.
Bah, the point is, don't try to force your taste on others. If others do not share your "superiorly awesome and kvlt taste in metal", then just learn to live with it rather than whining.

Just my 2 cents. :)

Back to trolling now.

I'm not forcing nothing, just trying to show better music to you people. And from time to time I'll call you on shit bands, and retarded responses. Sorry, just the way it goes.
