Death Metal Bands

hahaha no way, behemoth kick ass, its pretty original and heavy as shit, i love it, satanica is not only diverse but a great album anyway, haha oh well, its just my opinion
i forget if anyones mentioned them but has anyone heard skinless? i heard some last week and its actually really good for brutal death(not usually a fan)
Skinless do kick ass. Love em

Behemoth are the leaders of poland death metal. Anybody would know that. Plus, inferno is my favorite drummer by far and the riffs are 100% catchy and heavy all the time.

If you can listen to the song 'Conquer All' and tell me there's nothing you like about it(just one example for a song) then you're the first.

I've even had a christian girl into justin timberlake buy their album just for that song haha.
decapitated were the leaders, until that got fucked up.

hey if you guys have google earth (you should download it) and you type in "Area 51", it actually goes right to the real area 51 in new mex. and yes, you type in your address, itll go right to your house. its fucking cool, you can see koreas military, everything.
hahaha yea, you can pretty much get anyone into behemoth with that song, i tried that with slaves shall serve.......didnt work out so well though haha
I just don't get the hype with Behemoth...I love their black metal stuff to death...I mean Nergal was a horrible writer back then, but the atmosphere of the music got to me. I don't know, the past few Behemoth releases have done nothing for me...But I'm more into Swedish/South American Death anyways soooo :)
They just do everything they can to make people feel their music. They felt more energy towards death metal so that's what they did.

And I think they do it flawlessly. Decapitated is/was good. But nobody can compare sales between the two. There is a reason for that.
meh.. Vader and Lost Soul's Chaostream is polish Death to me, good riffs and songwriting. Behemoth pose too much and forget the songcraft

Agreed about the posing. Nergal and his krew seem to care too much about how well their makeup/armour looks then the music. And I just saw the cover of a mag with Nergal, Dani Filth, and Shagrath I think...said something about black metal coming back or laughable.