Death Metal Bands

Yeah, they have a few good songs (Silence Sleep, Angel of Torment), but none of their albums has really managed to convince me as a whole.

Not really sure what to think of the new Katatonia, I'm not overwhelmed yet though I heard it 5 times now, let's see..

REALLY looking forward to the new Daylight Dies. Let's see if they can top Lost to the Living..
I dont know what to think of the new Katatonia album either, there are some good songs but... i dont know, nothing like the smash hits from NiTND. Some songs sounds messy, just too much going on. And I wish Jonas could use some harder vocals of some sort, not screams but try something with a little more punch for some diversity, he is almost starting to bore me.

I love the solos from Sodomizer and the best tracks imo so far are The Racing Heart, Ambitions, Lethean and Dead Letters. Rest feels like fillers.
Im sure I will have a different opinion in a month or two.

Looking forward to seeing them live anyways, its been a while.
I dont know what to think of the new Katatonia album either, there are some good songs but... i dont know, nothing like the smash hits from NiTND. Some songs sounds messy, just too much going on. And I wish Jonas could use some harder vocals of some sort, not screams but try something with a little more punch for some diversity, he is almost starting to bore me.

I was afraid this was going to happen. I haven't loved the first few tracks they've released but I'm trying to stay open-minded and reserving judgement until I pick up the record next week.

That said, I agree with what you said about Jonas - I love his voice, I really do, but the limited range is a real bummer.
It's not that the material itself is all that bad...its just something with melodeath / doom...its really easy for things to become rather redundant.

Nah, I think they've proven they have what it takes to write an engaging album. The material is definitely the problem on this new album. There's just nothing to attach to.
Nah, I think they've proven they have what it takes to write an engaging album. The material is definitely the problem on this new album. There's just nothing to attach to.

Key words being ALL THAT bad, dork.
There are still good parts, but it takes more and more effort to rise out of the monotone drag that the genre and that guitar tone offer.
Joakim, nice song, you guys need to record your shit in a professional studio ASAP.

And change that picture with the long neck : P

Serbian band, pretty good song, recording them in October for a full length.

