Death Metal Bands

Just read the best review ever on one of our songs:

"Typical Swedish rich kids born into the ability to buy the best equipment and have the best production money can buy. give me a fucking break the riffs and notes they choose actually suck when it comes to death metal and sound nothing like good death metal bands like Autopsy,cancer,pestilence, meat hole infection,headrot,early canninbal corpse, deceased, necrovorous, morbid angel, incantation, suffication,insatanity,early darkthrone and nihlist and many other bands that actually play good riffs and selectively choose there notes and chord progressions and drums with many creative fills and rolls and pauses and different time signatures rather than just tremolo picking(shredding for those that don't play) shitty riffs and pure 32nd note double bass with not many fills and blast beats then palm muted shitty riffs with penchs added at the end of the phrase and then a few harmonic minor phrases for a lead with some shredding without any good hammer ons and pulls offs and alternate picking or real feeling or effort put into it. this is why the commericial metal scene over shadows the underground because bands like this and others that go even more mainstream like volbeat snatch up all the attention through money and production and give them what there ears can handle so to speak. I'm sorry I know people will talk shit about my opinion but if you don't like real death metal and the original underground masters who weren't born into rich Swedish families you wont understand what I'm talking about."

aah, youtube comments <3
Just read the best review ever on one of our songs:

"Typical Swedish rich kids born into the ability to buy the best equipment and have the best production money can buy. give me a fucking break the riffs and notes they choose actually suck when it comes to death metal and sound nothing like good death metal bands like Autopsy,cancer,pestilence, meat hole infection,headrot,early canninbal corpse, deceased, necrovorous, morbid angel, incantation, suffication,insatanity,early darkthrone and nihlist and many other bands that actually play good riffs and selectively choose there notes and chord progressions and drums with many creative fills and rolls and pauses and different time signatures rather than just tremolo picking(shredding for those that don't play) shitty riffs and pure 32nd note double bass with not many fills and blast beats then palm muted shitty riffs with penchs added at the end of the phrase and then a few harmonic minor phrases for a lead with some shredding without any good hammer ons and pulls offs and alternate picking or real feeling or effort put into it. this is why the commericial metal scene over shadows the underground because bands like this and others that go even more mainstream like volbeat snatch up all the attention through money and production and give them what there ears can handle so to speak. I'm sorry I know people will talk shit about my opinion but if you don't like real death metal and the original underground masters who weren't born into rich Swedish families you wont understand what I'm talking about."

aah, youtube comments <3

Holy shit :lol:

Do you even punctuation?
hahaha. That's a classic review. Dude tried to stuff as much elitism and useless/obscure information into one post as possible.

Estimated age : 16, or 54. Depending on if it he is a just an angry know-it-all twat, or a bitter nostalgic man whose own music aspirations went nowhere. Uncle Rico style :lol:

Either way, that review is a keeper:)

Sorry guys, I totally "liked" that comment on youtube. bahaha