Death Metal Bands

This cd is sounding better and better with each sneak peak they give. I'm positive this is going to be one powerful death metal release.

Last episode before the CD is released :)
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well, sanctification have just one full lenght and I didn't like the production on that one, the music was cool though... didn't know that caligula was the new vocalist! I like what he did with God Among Insects (along with tomas, the guitar player)
well, sanctification have just one full lenght and I didn't like the production on that one, the music was cool though... didn't know that caligula was the new vocalist! I like what he did with God Among Insects (along with tomas, the guitar player)

This time Peter is mixing and mastering though :p and the singer is twice as good as the previous one. This shall not disappoint

Listened to these guys yesterday. Pretty cool stuff, some of the songs on the newest album has some similar elements that you can hear on The Fathomless Mastery (eerie riffs while being heavy as fuck).
Other than that, this is deathmetal with slightly blackmetal influences vocals.

The quality on the myspace tracks aint that awesome. On cd however they sounds massive.

edit 2:
Here they have one of the cooler tracks and in better quality.
Souldrainer was pretty good. Decrepity sounds too much like most of the other bands on the Montreal scene (even though they're not from there), and Korpius is decent (kind of like a really REALLY primitive Capharnaum or Martyr).
Neuraxis - The Thin Line Between is phenomenal though, so much more mature than their older stuff. As for lacking aggression, listen to "Dreaming the End", sounds a lot like songs off The Negation (probably one of the most aggressive albums out there).

I hate neuraxis' drummer though.......he always looks like he's in unbearable pain....and he's a terrible drummer live.

Martyr, Goreguts, and old Cryptopsy are still some of my favorite all time/Canadian bands. SYL is pretty good too, but mostly because I love Hoglan. You get the odd local band like Deamon, Mayhem Inc., and Dead of Winter that are good but yeah.....we lack the richness and diversity of europe.
SYL dont need mentioning, niether does Townsend. Those two automatically fall under the fucking amazing cataegory.

dogma - instinto asesino

dogma - runaway 2k (cover)

DOGMA from CHILE :) this was something like the chilean version of metallica, haha, don't care if you like it though, I post this because I love the songs :) sadly, they disbanded time ago :( the drummer lives in sweden now and his current band is called Terminal Prospect (death/thrash)
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