DEATH METAL........guys i just dont get it ...!

Rather ironic that someone will claim to understand something whilst professing that it exists on a foundation of nihilistic belief... which belongs to the doctrine that nothing can be known.. self doubt, baseless society... all that jazz :)

Anyways, Death Metal frustrates me.
I don't really like the vocals - and anyone who says that the lyrics really mean something as part of the music is a little bit full of it [or "defensive", take whichever perspective you will ;)] - because as someone defending DM lyrics in this thread has already instructed us to do ----> "read them".

If those lyrics are supposed to carry any sort of meaning, in parallel with the music as any form of collated expression - then we shouldn't HAVE to read them.
Understanding should come from listening to the whole song - drums, guitars, vocals, etc... all at once.

Not enjoying a riff and then having a little read later on to find out 'just what the hell that guy was losing a lung about'.

Some of the frenetic drumming also doesn't sound great. Don't get me wrong - I looooove double-kick.
But it's the whacking of the snare every 1/2 second in a very simple style, while the guitarist does his best to snap a wrist or an E-string that's been lowered an octave (whichever comes first :) ) that bores me more than providing any enjoyment of the music.

But why does this frustrate me?
Well, because heaps of Death Metal bands have absolutely brilliant, accomplished musicians!
The interludes and bridges in so many metal songs are nothing short of melodic genious - and I really appreciate this.

So yeah, I have to take the good with the bad.

Go metal. One of the few genres worth the money for a CD these days.
25 deathmetal albums, and you think you are the most hardcore deathmetaller!!! Fucker, I have over 200 hundred cd´s JUST deathmetal - so shut the fuck up man! You don´t even got the pioneers in that pathetic collection of yours!!!
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~UlvedaL~ said:
25 deathmetal albums, and you think you are the most hardcore deathmetaller!!! Fucker, I have over 200 hundred cd´s JUST deathmetal - so shut the fuck up man! You don´t even got the pioneers in that pathetic collection of yours!!!

Adam90125 said:
Death metal is such a vast genre that you probably listen to it without realising taht you are...

I half agree with you on that.
I'm sure people realize when they are listening to death metal, unless they are a drooling retard.
But like you said, it's such a vast genre with many different styles and tons of great bands that fit the particular breed of music you want to hear. You can't just listen to a small handful of bands and say "Wow, death metal sucks!!!".
Profanity is right...if every site tells you it's death metal IT IS DEATH METAL!

It's kinda like rap and pop music, if a lot of people tells you it's good and it plays everywhere on the radio IT MUST BE GOOD!

Have fun discussing this, I'm going to listen some nihilistic german death metal! :D
MAGUS said:
profånity... fuck your nihilism, how many death metal bands have you heard whos lyrics touch nihilism??? death metal lyrics are about slaughtering, destructing, terroring...etc etc. about war, satan and stuff. death metal is about the horrors of mankind.
that's mostly GORE metal:)

oh yeah and melodic death metal is so great. it gives you this feeling that you want to break stuff.
and the faster shit makes me want to kill people..

the wonders of metal...